Great...now everyone is gonna be doing it "Lincoln Style".

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yep to your first comment. i'm surprised the Repubicans and TP'ers don't want a fabulous ALL GAY army. And then go around saying stuff like, "North Korea has zits", "Iran smells like a burqua" and "Turkey is a turkey".

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And just imagine the fabulous parades!

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Letting teh gays say "I've got teh gay" is a <i>threat to the military</i>? I'm sooo scared. OH WAIT! I just remembered they have really big guns, so I guess I'm sooo scared.

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Has Palin ever been to Virginia? Just wondering.

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Dunno what the hubbub was over that execution. She said she'd soon be meeting Jeebus (also a death penalty victim) and would be happy. And the state got its justice, such as it is. It was a win-win. Except for her victims.

<i>I don't understand the conservative affection for death penalty. They want to limit government but give it the power to kill its own citizens. Weird.</i>

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<a href="http://www.smithfieldva.gov..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.smithfieldva.gov/content/index/view/id...">http://www.smithfieldva.gov... Yeah, I know, I've posted this before.

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You Texans, always with the braggin’, we’re fatter, stupider, more death penaltier than any other state. Well, we got Michelle Bachmann… so there!

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I have two words for anyone trying to eat breakfast on a limited budget: Oatmeal. The real deal - McCann's Steel Cut, boiled for about half an hour. Not that candyass instant stuff - the real deal. It will stick with you all morning, give you a week's worth of fiber, and anyone can afford it eat it every morning.

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But with smaller hats, fewer cows and crappy BBQue.

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Here in rural Virginia, there are plenty of people that seem to be hovering in the 70-85 "borderline retarded" area. However I often get the feeling that their borderline IQ status is somehow voluntary. If they smartened up then they might not be able to let Rush and Glenn and the preacher tell them what to think or do, they'd have to think for themselves and ooh, scary scary times would ensue.

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