A crowbar to the kneecaps, and he's automatically shorter than you."Using every grungy trickFrom booby trap to punji stickWe hardly need the strength of thirtyWhen we can win by fighting dirty."

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It really isn't all that hard.

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That's why I don't like dung beetles - their silly shit-eating grins.

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I am Middle School coach and a father I have to say I have seen many kids grow up in wonderful families who do not connect socially, and some that downright scare me. I am always overly nice to the scary ones (maybe they won't shoot good ol coach).

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Why isn't he trying to buy their love like every other rich dad? He must have really shitty rich dad mentors.

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As far as I know, "no empathy," is the result of an antisocial personality disorder, created by cold and distant parenting in the first six months of life.

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"In a highly unusual step for an appellate court, it also ordered the appointment of an independent attorney for the children, an indication that the dispute has become particularly poisonous."This story doesn't scratch the surface of the vile vindictive nature of Bill'O. The kids are 10 and 13 and have to continue suffering the mental shit abuse that Bill routinely heaped upon this whole family. Fuck him.

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As they say in the shire, "there's a saddle for every pony."

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Spayed? Keep cutting 'till they find those ovaries?

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Probably how you end up with this:


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American insults just don't resonate the same way...

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They were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement as soon as they were old enough to write.

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This is surprising. He seems so nice on tv.

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Few things in psychology are so simple as to have one simple cause:

Personality is the combination of thoughts, emotions and behaviors that makes everyone unique. It's the way people view, understand and relate to the outside world, as well as how they see themselves. Personality forms during childhood, shaped through an interaction of these factors:Genetics. These inherited tendencies are aspects of a person's personality passed on by parents, such as shyness or having a positive outlook. This is sometimes called temperament.Environment. This means the surroundings a person grows up in, events that occurred, and relationships with family members and others. It includes such life situations as the type of parenting a person experienced, whether loving or abusive.


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If the topic is "ethics in (gaming) journalism", Bill O' is your man. He was there!

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I guess so. I mean, even Ross can do it.

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