Sadly, that over 70 crowd probably includes a number of those sitting in already-blue seats, so maybe not that great a method. At least those people will be more likely to be masked and taking precautions.

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Unless you're a Republican, in which case you have to be willing to sacrifice other people. ... It's less Casablanca, more Wicker Man.

Zing! Nice one, Robyn.

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Does this mean you're a Giants fan?

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To take the top spot from Kavanaugh, she'd have to one-up committing perjury at her confirmation hearing in the most entitled whiny-baby manner imaginable. He's a tough act to follow if you're trying to be the woooOOOOooooorrrst.

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Hopefully more than 3. Because we don't want an even 12 of 6 to 6.

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Math? How the fuck does it work?

Yeah! what you said!

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I'd love to hear what the men/women who served under Cotton in Iraq/Afghanistan have to say about him, as a leader!

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Here's how the Dem's can completely gum up the SC process!

"I wanted to share an absolutely brilliant series of suggestions on how to deal with Trump’s nomination of Judge Barrett. The best parts are towards the end, so read all the way through!"


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When is our appointment with the Wicker Man?

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More than fifteen hundred alumni of her college don't think she's qualified.https://www.motherjones.com...

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Something for the next Democrat Senate Majority Leader to fix.

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Don't forget the downballot / state races!https://secure.actblue.com/...

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I really would have no problem with all of these covidiots gathering in one room and engaging in self-induced rapture. Their god can have them because the rest of us are sick and tired of them.

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must be an astros fan

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no one else in the Senate contracted a brain tumor or appendicitis or extremely advanced age following Engle or Wilson being brought to the floor.I disagree, maybe they didn't catch a brain tumor or appendicitis, but the average age of the senate in 1992 was 45, now the average age is 55. explain that!!!

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You're going to take people off respirators to go vote? They'll be dead before they reach the Senate floor.

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