And drinking bleach and refusing vaccinations for their kids...

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I'm still nostalgic for the timeline when the news on September 11, 2001 was about the New York city primary, the disappearance of Chandra Levy, and Congressional criticism of President Gore's climate change proposals.

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Thank you

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Many of those who eschew the mask are the same ones who'll jam their cart full of plastic-wrapped sugar/salt/corn syrup "food", nary a vegetable in sight. No doubt, they also howl about how their health care costs are so high; The disconnect between behavior and result is completely lost on them.

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Thoughts and prayers ain't good for much.... but for what they are worth, you've got them. May he have a r'fuah sh'liemah, a full healing.

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I'm waiting with gleeful anticipation for one of you Wonkian writers to talk about fractions today. Little Donnie Dump, how DO you talk about something for one one-hundredth of a time?

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Pesonally, I prefer Granny Weatherwax.

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"COVID-19 is going full General Sherman on the South." Annnnd, that's why I visit Wonkette.

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I hate to mention it, because some one (wink, wink, nod, nod) will think it's a great idea, but syringe delivery could speeded up, by skipping the sterilization process.

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We have actual mold in our building, so I feel you. I thought the kids were supposed to stay in the same room, with the same group? I was thinking specials teachers would go room to room. And then, what about gym?

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Yeah. :(

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"It's a hot mess," declares 47-year-old Jennifer Hudson, who still says “hot mess."

I do as well because saying clusterfuck all day gets old after a while.

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Add it to the list. The incredibly long list.

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Even antibody tests are not conclusive as they don't pick up t-cell mediated immunity which can be an important component of defense against coronavirus.

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So masks, huh ? I do know this. Auto makers had put seat belts in cars for years. One would think that after decades of watching your wife and kids banging their heads on metal dashboards, people would use them. They didn't.So slowly, states, losing taxpayers, and auto makers losing customers, finally passed laws for everyone to wear seat belts.Putting kids under 40 lbs in car seats, was of course, pure Communism.

Until the day he died, on a sudden stop, my dad would still put his right arm out to catch my mom or one of us. By then we were wearing seat belts.

So, people wearing masks on their own. I would not bet the farm on it. Or adult, social beverage.

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Everyone I've seen in videos who claim they can't breathe with a mask on sure did demonstrate a healthy pair of lungs.

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