I've hated for so long the stupid excuse that most people who get COVID recover from it. Death is just the most final cost of COVID but there are so many others. And Republicans love to shit on "Obamacare", but whether they'll admit it or not, it protects the MILLIONS of people who now have a COVID diagnosis on their health record. What am I bet that insurance companies would list it as a pre-existing condition in a motherfucking heartbeat and deny care/coverage for people, particularly those who now have chronic conditions stemming from that? I hate our fucking for profit medical system and I hate the people who try to convince us that being dead is the only thing that matters and then, even only if you're "scared" and don't "trust in Jesus". I hate it here.

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Transes get this too. We call it "trans broken arm".

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Or do anything that might also help a blah person.

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Sure, but then you get actual market efficiencies from bulk purchasing.

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Wait. So you go to the doctor with a fracture (or whatever) and they say, "Well, let's see about getting you back to 'normal'"? That seems, um, . . . objectively horrible.

I promise I'm not being deliberately obtuse. I truly had no idea something like that went on.

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Was so hoping that one outcome of this pandemic would be true socialized medicine. You know, because necessity.

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Rural hospitals? Alas, no.

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Wait.... he ripped your jawbone off?

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Well there’s *something* making Tylenol cost several hundreds of times the price when given in a hospital rather than from a gas station, so maybe there will be some oversight as to why in that case

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and with horse paste prices going through the roof because of the high demand, what are these red states going to do? just leech off all the blue states again narrator: that's exactly what the red states are going to do.......again

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Or in my case (true story) "I'm here because my feet have gone numb for no reason I can figure out, help!""Okay, I'm going to schedule a blood test to check cholesterol, and blood sugar to make sure you're not pre-diabetic, and a stool sample . . ."

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no, I ripped the piece of my jawbone that had poked through my gum out of my mouth. It was just a wee little piece, like a small shark's tooth.

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"That's a lot of money. And it's going to be a lot of money for a lot of people over a lot of years."

Which is why we won't have Medicare for All anytime soon. That's far too much money for the parasites to give up on and money is EVERYTHING.

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I get 'ya. My wife is a heavy woman, just like her mother was. Wife's bloodwork and vitals are always significantly better than mine, though.

Many times, I've watched a doctor walk into the exam room, stop, look at her, look down at the folder, look back up at her. . . At that point she says, "Yes, those are my numbers" and the doctor gets a look of combined relief (because he's in the right room, I guess) and confusion (how can this be?).

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Medical debt - and not even my own - is why I'm not living in a paid-off cute little Craftsman-era house a block from the lake and instead spent six months squatting with no utilities before couch-surfing with my elderly folks for a year. Good times. Or rather, the complete opposite of same.

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That sucks. I'm sorry that happened to you.

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