You no hook up to vaccine 5GVaccine 5G hook up to you.

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Here in NYC nobody is masking unless there is a specific regulation and the cases are basically nil.


When you get a good result, keep doing the thing that gets you there.

BTW - get a flu shot too. With all the focus on COVID we can forget that flu can be a nasty player and there is "long flu" as well.

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My booster bumped me onto a second vaccine card.

Do I staple these things together? I feel like I need a wallet for them.

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I got a free wallet for them from actblue.org. The front is clear, and the back says "Pro-Science, Pro-Health, Pro-Vaccines" or something like that. When I got my booster last week, the nurse LOVED it.

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Yeah, I've noticed lately that when people get sick now, and it's not COVID, they just say "It's not COVID." Head colds and stuff are now just that--not COVID.

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I did it! I made appointments for my whole fucking family! Yay me!

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Checking in: got the booster yesterday. #GetTheShot 💉

Get out the vote in November! More needs to be spent on shots and test kits. The Democrats aren't going to push this before the election (because there are too many stupid people who will turn it into a negative issue) and the Republicans won't fund it afterward if they win the House.

So, yeah, another life&death reason to vote for Democrats.

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I like to respond to such people by pulling my mask down slightly, fake coughing, and saying, " but I have TB".

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I had the Pfizer bivalent (my 5th covid vaccine). Of all the ones I had this one was the least horrible. I only had a fever overnight, was tired the next morning, and was fully myself after 24 hours.

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The whole North End for incredible Italian food! Check reviews, but anyplace that begins with "Familia..." is a good bet. :) Can also just walk around the busy open to the streets places and see what looks good, walking crowds every night. If you like fresh seafood, the Legal Seafoods close to the convention center in the otherwise sterile Seaport has a nice outdoor deck harbour view, and fish that's never frozen.

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So who foresaw this one? https://twitter.com/TMZ/sta...

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Dkos has a pundit roundup and one of articles today (yesterday?) was about how we have all collectively shrugged at the fact that 100's of people are still dying daily from Covid. We looked at our choices - mask up or let 100s die - and decided masks were annoying. I am not proud to be an american right now.

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Normally I advocate strong protections for vulnerable people with poor decision making skills. But tik tokers are the worst. I say let natural selection run its course.

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The important thing about the new booster is that it's "bivalent," meaning it contains genetic information that will help your immune system recognize the original strain of the virus that's been around since 2019."

Hmmmm....this might actually help me, since I got COVID (2019?) before any vaccines were available; when Trump was willfully suppressing the COVID epidemic info and everyone at work was getting the 'flu' right and left. Worst 'flu' I ever had. When I told my doctor about the loss of taste, shingles like rash on my arm and a couple of black toes, I was told (at that time when they didn't know much about it) that it 'wasn't COVID.' I've been a long-hauler ever since with memory issues, respiratory issues and terrible sinusitis. It's gradually gotten better after I started getting vaccines.

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I got my bivalent shot a week ago last Sunday. Just a little bit of injection site pain, like I had with the others.

My doctor is also one of those who prefers to wait until late October-early November to give flu shots. I'll get mine when I get my 2nd Shingles shot next month. (Tip from my dr's nurse: take 2 Tylenol before the Shingles shot. Helps keep the reaction mild.)

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I went to Walgreens for mine. It wasn't crowded, but there was a steady stream of customers getting the booster. But that was on a Sunday, so people were out and about.

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