No, it is the lead from the short-lived nursing show "Mercy."

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If all the "innovators" go Galt on us, can we keep their stuff?

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This movie takes place in an alternate universe where the government isn't completely in the pockets of rich people and corporations.

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Hey, a $15m budget and a cast of unknowns. Smells like a straight-to-DVD hit to me!

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What's with those CPAC'ers who say "Atlas Shrugged" in on the right track; America, not so much? They're like those Christians who love Jesus <i>and</i> money <i>and</i> the death penalty* <i>and</i> bombing things. ________________________ * Jesus was against the death penalty, especially toward the end</i>

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This will come in handy, as the large population of unemployeds can ride the rails faster, in search of jobs that don't exist, in locales that wouldn't want them anyway.

The Flying Dutchman of the 21st century.

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Ah, The Romance Era poetry style.

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I'm so inspired by this trailer I'm watching Eraserhead tonight and drinking homemade mead... pyment that is.

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today we are all <strike>egyptians</strike> business people yearning to be free.

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Needs more space aliens, explosions and boobies.

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