Scott Walker commercials are appearing on our Minnesota TeeVee stations. Is there a way to safely bleach a TeeVee?

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It's not as bad as getting Santorum all over himself, but it's still pretty bad.

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<i>...but there’s still a chance he’ll be able to shine in a time of crisis.</i>

Like a stream of bats' piss.

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Don't forget the horseradish.

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I know. Imagine a person being interviewed for a job and is asked the question “Why do want this job?”

Interviewee: “I hate this company and everything about the job is against all I believe. When can I start?”

Interviewer: “I like your spunk!”

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In response to your headline, I once got some Chris Christie on a suede jacket. It's almost impossible to get Christie out of suede and the dry cleaning costs are enormous. I don't recommend it.

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The top picture- gentlemen, we have the cast for Dumb and Dumber 2!

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Follow along class: Koch Industries owns Kimberly Clark which owns the Scott <i>toilet paper</i> brand. And the Koch Bros favorite candidates? Scott Walker, Scott Brown, Rick Scott. Draw your own conclusions.

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<i>getting your asshole bleached</i>

so you're saying, pour it directly on Walker?

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nay, i think we got us a big ole gov rauner. but he'll fuck it up. and madigans will make sure he can't do too much damage.

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Scott Brown ads are appearing on my NY boob tube station as well. I view it as yet another sign of the impending apocalypse.

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Then campaign for reelection by repeating the message that the government is broken, that you need to be sent back to fix it, and that government is evil and needs to be shut down, for freedom.

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Circles within circles, man. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!

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