like that drunk guy on a Saturday night, prancing up and down telling his mates to 'hold me back or I'll kill him' while desperately hoping someone cares enough to actually intervene

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That's what I was thinking, too.

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I appreciate the FarQ trying their best to get registered officially as a domestic terror threat.

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So how do you personally plan to "act accordingly"?This is not an attack on you, but I keep seeing people post stuff like this, and I'm not sure what I could go out and do tomorrow that would stop a militia. Buy a gun? I definitely take them seriously, have for a long time, as have many Democrats. The helpful question is, what exactly is within our power to do about it. If we're going to be ominous and fear-mongering, we should try to balance that with a concrete plan.

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Their pet monster is all grown up and running the show now. They're terrified.

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While I despised the FBI for what they did during the 1960's to the anti-war and civil rights movements I also didn't want to kill them.

This is how this "civil war" will go. There will be individual acts of violence and perhaps even small coordinated attacks, but as it ramps up it will be stomped to the ground with greater speed and force. These morons think that everyone is going to suddenly start pitching Molotov cocktails at any vehicle sporting Fed plates when they decide to make a stand, when in reality most of us will reach for the popcorn and keep our heads down.

Good luck fuck off suckers.

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Fake Betsy Ross?

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Pretty much.

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OK I’ll give you SCOTUS, but that’s not an organizational thing; just 6 people with an agenda. DHS nope - lots of shitheads have always gravitated there, who just want to beat up brown people, but the organization still follows orders. If they weren’t, they would still be returning asylum seekers to Mexico despite OHJB changing that policy.

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Snark? I very much would like this to be true

Edit: I am sleep deprived, never mind

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Oh, I think the loons and cultists are spread out pretty well... FB and Twitter still have their share

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Support the Democratic Party in every way. Buy a gun and learn how to use it.

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Acknowledging the real dangers of govt censorship, I'm still a fan of the Father Coughlin treatment.

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We used to have the Immigration and Naturalization Service. That is, a service for helping people immigrate and become naturalized.

Now we have Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which equates people (immigration) and things (customs), and which prioritizes enforcement over assistance.

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LOL no. I teach the Seattle Seahawks technique

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I think they're so busy running their mouths and haven't given much thought to what they might run into

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