So you know how from time to time we have a good laugh at the logic of wingnut politicians and preachers who claim a causal link between two obviously disparate things, like "taking prayer out of the schools led to Sandy Hook" or "Gays, abortion, and the ACLU caused 9/11" -- that sort of thing?
"Women...are doubtless in the best position to offer policy ideas."Gop response: "Well it's a good thing women are in their best "position". Hurr hurr..amirite guys?" Seriously, though, you know this is a bad argument to make to conservatives because part of driving the economy into the ground and having lower classes is increasing the number of hawt women willing to sell themselves for food money.
I don't know...don't whore's usually sell themselves to anyone regardless of party? And, considering the return the Johns get on their investment, cheap whores would be closer to the truth.
"Women...are doubtless in the best position to offer policy ideas."Gop response: "Well it's a good thing women are in their best "position". Hurr hurr..amirite guys?" Seriously, though, you know this is a bad argument to make to conservatives because part of driving the economy into the ground and having lower classes is increasing the number of hawt women willing to sell themselves for food money.
I don't know...don't whore's usually sell themselves to anyone regardless of party? And, considering the return the Johns get on their investment, cheap whores would be closer to the truth.
I thought wonkette didn't allow comment whores?
Best. Grant. Proposal. Ever. Economist gets sweet gubmit moniez to fund his trip to Budapest to "study" the prostitutes.
Women take off their clothes when it gets hot? Who knew?
The right doesn't mind cheaper prostitution, it means their fundraisers and conventions cost less.
and it means you won't have to give the Secret Service a raise
every guy at spring break?
Well, now no one will want to do anything about global warming.
so says noted climate scientist, Nelly.
Picking up.... prostitutes in Budapest.I think I got it. I'll be right back. I've got fact-finding mission to tend to.
Let them eat coke!
I've always preferred ELP's version of Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Whore".
And Dok Zoom is a comment tater?
Spasticus libel!
They'll do anything to get in the HVAC for a minute.