Crazy is as crazy does.But tell me more about the preposition H lady.The others are just repeats of nutjobs past with the rapin and lynchin, but this dementia shit is all new talk even though they have had it for a bit of time

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May be but 'Merica breeds fringe candidates like flies!

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At this point the only person who can cure my heartbreak is Sarah. Someone please tell me she fired up the Moosemobile and is on her way to support a fellow R-derp female's right to free speech first amendment tyranny inpeech Ben Ghazi!!!1!

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And they've got a sheetton of 'Merikan military that the right just loves loves loves... except when there aren't any cameras around to document how much they love them.

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That's because the mark on the bar is so low its hard to see with the nekkid eye.

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Rrraaawwwrrrr said the Sechtskitten.

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You don't expect us to believe someone is named Dick Black?

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Stupid Dick Black. If you try to milk a cow when she doesn't want to be milked she'll kick you across the barn.

Might be kind of fun to watch him give it a go, though.

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'Coz derp never sleeps

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