See? Satan is both evil AND educational!

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Which obviously proves that evolution doesn't exist. Or at least, it hasn't happened to Ken Ham yet.

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Buy-bull. There, fixed it for you.

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I'm betting the pic of Miley and the pig produced a Ham boner.

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The general age of consent is indeed 18 -- that is, anyone 18 or older can freely do the nasty with anyone else 18 or older. The lower ones typically deal with people of similar ages. I think MA has the youngest age for marriage -- 12 I think, with both parental and judicial consent.

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Those "close in age" provisions apply to cases where both are under age of consent. The most liberal close in age provision is in Delaware, where you can be up to 29 years old before it applies. But, whatever you say, the AoC is variable from state to state. Where I live, I would be a sex offender if I balled a 16-year-old, but in any of the neighboring states, it would be legal. What you say is true only if you want absolute certainty no matter what state you're in, but you can't say the law is what you think it is or want it to be.

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I believe I said exactly that absolutely anyone 18 or over can do anyone else over 18. And that indeed makes it the general age of consent. We don't usually spend a lot of time talking about 14 year olds banging 13 year olds, or even 18 year olds banging 17 year olds.

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"We don't usually spend a lot of time talking about 14 year olds banging 13 year olds, or even 18 year olds banging 17 year olds."Tell that to an 18-year-old who did time in prison and got on the sex offender's list for life for doing his 17- or 16-year-old girlfriend. Tell that to Kaitlyn Hunt. It's the tired old saw about theory and practice and I'm not going to waste any more time on you. If you feel you must have the last word on this go ahead. It's your time and effort.

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Kaitlyn Hunt was 18 and her girlfriend 14. I can see where some folks might consider that inappropriate.

I don't know of any such 18 year old kids and I doubt you do either. I was certainly banging my 17 year old girlfriend when I was 19 and in Kaitlyn Hunt's home state of Florida to boot. And we confessed "doing it" to a judge to get a marriage license.

Unfortunately, you consider your opinion to actually be the last word, even based on sketchy interpretations.

Edit: And if I remember correctly, she was only arrested after refusing to stop seeing the girl.

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Putting down Ken Hamm should make me like Ms. Cyrus, but the pic at the top requires far too much brain bleach for that.

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If they'd just evolved opposable thumbs, we wouldn't have that problem.

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Well, you have to consider Mr. Hamm's serious handicap. He's a Christian, which means he has no concept of consent. Not in the Bible, you know.

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Hey, they don't discuss that consent stuff in the Bible, so it doesn't really exist.

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The whiff of santorum they give off should be a good clue.

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I would say he bottomed it.

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They're still making that? I had no idea.

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