<a href="https:\/\/www.google.com\/webhp\?sourceid=chrome-instant&amp\;ion=1&amp\;espv=2&amp\;ie=UTF-8#q=charlie%20the%20unicorn" target="_blank">Lest we forget.</a>
I love that the good doctor (as real hand-to-god M.D.) went on to mention two animals which do have singular horns: the rhinoceros and the narwhal. Compelling argument.
Except the narwhal&#039;s horn isn&#039;t a horn. Which she might have known if she&#039;d bothered doing any research in a book not compiled out of scraps left in some Roman hayloft 1700 years ago.
I am not going to take him seriously until he demands the city of Darwin, Australia change its name to <i> It&#039;sonlyatheorysville.</i>
Creation taxonomy is still working on what the word <a href="http:\/\/www.conservapedia.com\/Baraminology" target="_blank">kind</a> means. I&#039;m sure they&#039;ll get around to identifying extinct taxa any minute, though.
Those guys got nuthin on the <a href="http:\/\/www.albinoblacksheep.com\/flash\/badgers" target="_blank"> badgers </a>
Toxic hallucinogenic gas. What <i>can&#039;t</i> it do?
If I did mash-ups (which I don&#039;t), I&#039;d be tempted to mash this with badgerbadgerbadger.
Hmm. Are you what you seem?
Excellent Sex Pistols reference.
<a href="https:\/\/www.google.com\/webhp\?sourceid=chrome-instant&amp\;ion=1&amp\;espv=2&amp\;ie=UTF-8#q=charlie%20the%20unicorn" target="_blank">Lest we forget.</a>
Was it an electric unicorn?
I love that the good doctor (as real hand-to-god M.D.) went on to mention two animals which do have singular horns: the rhinoceros and the narwhal. Compelling argument.
Except the narwhal&#039;s horn isn&#039;t a horn. Which she might have known if she&#039;d bothered doing any research in a book not compiled out of scraps left in some Roman hayloft 1700 years ago.
I am not going to take him seriously until he demands the city of Darwin, Australia change its name to <i> It&#039;sonlyatheorysville.</i>
They are also <a href="http:\/\/imagizer.imageshack.us\/a\/img685\/9410\/2741454087.jpg" target="_blank">not housebroken.</a>
The Creationists, I mean.
Creation taxonomy is still working on what the word <a href="http:\/\/www.conservapedia.com\/Baraminology" target="_blank">kind</a> means. I&#039;m sure they&#039;ll get around to identifying extinct taxa any minute, though.
Amazon sez Unicorn Meat will be In stock on February 18, 2015. Yum, Yum.
Oh fuck you Ken Ham. Go eat a 1000 cubits of shit.
With votes.
Yes, and I heifer good reason to say that.
When I ingest certain chemicals, I see purple spiders on the wall. I&#039;m pretty sure they&#039;re not real.
What? I thought that RINOs had been hunted to extinction by 2012.