for his outstanding achievement in “thwarting an open and informed discussion of science and scientific controversies” ... I thought all along that he was PROMOTING said discussions. P.S. Love the vest.

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And they were prob sheep f**ckers, too, also, probably, hey - everyone's doing it!

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Although it would be a pretty good name. Hmm.

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I prefer the Lumberjack Song, which while it has little to do with hygiene, does include using the lavatory.

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He really should be presenting the controversy, not covering up the alternative treatments for disorders of black bile and yellow bile.

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And yet, there is plenty left over for ICR and Creation Science Evangelism Ministries and on and fucking on. I'm beginning to suspect that stupidity <i>can</i> be created, but cannot be destroyed.

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I'm a Christian (okay UCC, which = heathen devil-worshipping atheist druid to these idiots, but still). I loved every minute of NdGT's Cosmos and saw nothing to contradict my reading of Genesis. I don't understand why these people waste time on battles they can't possibly win when there are hungry people to feed and prisoners to visit.

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Looks as twisted as everything else McVeigh believed in.

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“thwarting an open and informed discussion of science and scientific controversies”...

...by making his own TV show which they weren't involved in, and not putting their ideas into his TV show which they weren't involved in.

I see how this totally thwarted their ability to make their own TV show to showcase their own ideas. What a selfish, controlling bastard that Dr Tyson is! How else can there be open and informed discussion, unless the Discovery Institute representatives are allowed to shoehorn themselves into any television production they wish?

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Also too, let's not forget that self confessed atheist Seth McFarlane was a producer of Dr. Tyson's Cosmos. He's all kinds of evil and lives in Hollywood.

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I'm sure that <em>Dr.</em> Tyson will give them all the consideration they are due.

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This word "censorship" does not mean what you think it means.

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<i>creationist Ken Ham</i>

Who we can look forward to running for president on the "We never landed on the moon" ballot.

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But it's not censorship to omit the theory of evolution from Sunday school, amirite?

Fucking hypocrites...

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Why doesn't Evolution News and Views just produce its own 13-part series and see if Discovery will buy it?

Part 1: Fossils. The Devil's tool.

Part 2. Carbon Dating Deception.

Part 3. Darwin--Demon or Devil?


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