surely they need someone to play all the heathens destined for hell in their Rapture Passion Play Musical? I mean, can't some condemned pimply-faced kid staff the drowning unicorn's ass? Wouldn't their devil-may-care attitude lend credence to their performances? Surely there are plenty of slutty slut, sluts who have already defiled themselves in KSU's frathouses who would make the most awesome Salome and Lot's wives ever (garbed in Wildcat Blue, natch)!

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All four of them. Because why would you let your wives help build the giant boat you learned how to make by being told to make one, amirite?

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"Praise the Lord!" they exclaim, "and that will be cash in advance."

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You know, we've been looking for a place ever since we got booted from Times Square. Think they'd notice the typo, if we got permits for <i>Satan's Village</i>?

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And they needed them for the eggs.

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It's a synonym for "mythical".

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I picture Noah standing in the parking lot, wondering, "How the fuck am I going to get this thing home?"

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I find it telling that, given a choice between 18 million dollars and being an arrogant douchebag, Ham passed on the money. His investors must be soooo happy right now.

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"Six Flags Over Jesus"!

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Creation scientists make arguments in support of the story of Noah's ark by pointing to science as a foundation for the story. Here's a short essay I recently wrote about that subject:


I'm always interesting in comments and reactions.

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Paging the Church of Satan!

Plan for Satanist Theme Park required on the KY Aisle.

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<i>AND THEY HAVE TO BELIEVE IT LITERALLY, as opposed to some namby-pamby “metaphorical” interpretation of the story.</i>

You mean, like, metaphorically stolen from the Flood Myths of all other neighboring peoples, with the names changed to protect the innocent.

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Lawyers must just rub their hands together in fiendish glee when they see the butt-hurt xtians walking in, ready to sue their way out of victim-hood.

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<i>"Kentucky made it good and damn clear in 2010 that the Ark Encounter day-spa/bar and grill would not be able to discriminate in hiring based on religious beliefs"</i>

Ham believed Kentucky would evolve on separation of church and state.

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I have a sincere religious belief that Ken Ham is a lying liar who lies.

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There are no anti-discrimination laws in the Bible.

Hungry people shouldn't get SNAP benefits because it'll only make them more dependent, but it's righteous when taxpayers kick in for arks.

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