Shilling is hard work, to be franc. Mark my words.

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I'll build him a Jesus Catapult for half that price!

It'll work, as long as none of you effing bigmouths tell him gravity can't be prayed away.

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Satan is just like a crack dealer. He'll give you the first 50 million or so in cash and goods, but you gots to pay for the rest.

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Creflo Ruble?

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"But oh boy did he come back with a vengeance!"

Just like God! Cuz, we all know that God and Vengeance go together like some kind of bizzaro peanut butter and jelly of the universe.

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Technically, the Spirit of God is the third one, not Jesus. Of course they are all one inseparable being, while at the same time being three distinct persons, so in short, the Triune God gets away with a lot of nonsense because no one is sure who to blame.

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This Satan fellow appears to be pretty awesome. He can directly interfere in the lives of humans to force situations to always go in his favor, no matter how horrible the consequences may be for those interefered humans. Meanwhile, his opposite number is force to sit quietly on the sidelines, hoping that his creations will do the right thing, which, with history as our teacher, shows they rarely do.

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I don't give a dram... it dinar matter what you yen for, if rupee on the rubles, there will be hell to peso.

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He could probably pick up a used DC-3 much cheaper.

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I would gladly sell my soul for thirty joints. Caveat emptor.

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Just a little off base with an observation. The writing style of these articles reminds me of a Lewis Black comic routine. Funny yet sadly true with highlighted points using educated sarcasm that brings out the idiocy of the point being examined. Very refreshing read, well done Wonkette.

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Damn, Wonkette, you forgot to mention this little noteworthy bon-mot:

"Pastor Dollar insisted that it is poverty, not wealth, that is against God's will.

"Poverty is not the will of God for any believer," he wrote on his website. "Poverty has nothing to do with godliness, or God — likeness. To be poor, or impoverished, means, 'to be without; in lack; deprived.' You and I don't serve a God of lack and insufficiency."

See, so the only actual problem here is that this guy is a pastor instead of a Republican governor, as would be more appropriate.

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DC-3's must land and takeoff from the back of heaven.

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Well, how do you expect me to deposit money in your account if you don't give me your bank account information and authorizations?

Dammit, the problem with advance fee fraud these days is that the marks are so gods-damned dumb! Come on, am I going to have to believe myself? Work with me here, a little!

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Why not?

You can't spell "gravity" without "gay". I mean, you could, triv-ially. But it would be Wrong.

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One of the lessons of increasing age: there's always some smelly asshole just behind you.

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