Also check out the Rock Springs Wyoming massacre of Chinese miners, in 1885. My great-great-grandfather was there as an circuit preacher, largely serving as a missionary to the Chinese workers.

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Nah...the Cripple Creek of the song is in Louisiana.

"...straight down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, to Lake Charles Louisiana...."

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It was the same thing in the sit-down strikes 30-odd years later in Detroit. If the government takes a neutral stance and pushes business owners to negotiate with workers, then workers can make big gains. If it sides with business owners and sends in the troops, it's really just almost impossible to make lasting gains for unions.

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No, Lake Charles Louisiana is where Little Bessie LIVES.Up on Cripple Creek is where she SENDS him.

"When I get off of this mountainYou know where I wanna go?Straight down the Mississippi RiverTo the Gulf of MexicoTo Lake Charles, LouisianaLittle Bessie, girl that I once knewAnd she told me just to come on byIf there's anything she could doUp on Cripple Creek, she sends meIf I spring a leak, she mends meI don't have to speak, she defends meA drunkard's dream if I ever did see one"

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Do you mean Ripple, or Annie Green Springs?Team Boone's Fam Strawberry Hill here.

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Curtain rods, sparrows, etc.These are the same people who vote over and over for demonstrably worse lives -- low wages, underfunded schools, no health care, poisoned environment -- because punishing the people they hate is more important to them than literally anything else, including self-preservation.

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I also think some of them are so brainwashed and don't really get what they would be losing. They think capitalism will be kind.

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Another footnote in Cripple Creek history. It was the scene for a planned Broadway comeback by an aging female impersonator, involving Mae West, the mob, a kidnapping by lesbians who drove Good Humor ice cream trucks, and a very confused cast.


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As we all know, Christians are not into money…


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I want in on this caper.

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TBF most of everybody is into money, including Joe Rogan. It's just unfair to single out The Jews, because maybe they just don't like being the butt of jokes about being mean and greedy all the time.

And I grew up in Scotland!

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so wobbling along...

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Joe Rogan sure isn’t into money. (He is)

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As always Erik,very interesting and thank you.

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Bob Dylan had a two week gig at the Teller Opera House in Central City. He was still a Zimmerman, so no one remembers but him.

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Before I scrolled just a wee bit further, I was about to say, they could at least go back to aiming some of it at the Scots - we can take it - then I saw your last line.

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