Cawthorn's dumb enough that I don't think he's realized yet that the others are being paid.

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yeah, we're not pure either, i know, but its cathartic to be cynical sometimes

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All that stuff we were taught in school about being nice and sharing? It's all bullshit. I should have raised my kids to be sociopaths. They would be much more successful in this fucking country.

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There are tens of thousands of non-profits and charitable organizations in the US and there have been for many, many years, yet none of the problems they supposedly deal with never seem to get solved. Poverty, homelessness, etc remain huge problems despite the many entities created to supposedly solve these problems. Yes, some people get helped, but nothing is done about the root causes and the money continues to flow in. It's all a huge waste of time and money.

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Is that a Ginsu knife ad?

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Thanks a lot for making me feel garbage. I'm not homeless, but if an extra $5K fell out of the sky into my lap I'd spend at least a little of it on booze and drugs and lobster.

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So, a woman tried to vote after being assured she could vote and has been thrown in jail. Meanwhile another woman (and some others) stole 3.2 million dollars and let needy children go hungry but no charges have been filed. Great justice system we have here in the USA.

Also I haaaaaaaaaaaaaate that government uses third parties to adminster programs instead of just doing it themselves. I get working with boots on the ground non-profits who are actually using the money, but there is not one reason for having a middle man.

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Checks handed directly to people would do 10,000x more good.

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Every child fed and every homeless person who sleeps safely indoors is a victory.

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Caught? Or proudly disseminated?

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More than likely RWNJs who did it, too

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That's one of the many reasons they don't want to do it

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What is happening to his face? looks like a severe allergic reaction.

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We should be humane to all humans. These dugn beetles should not be protected by the TOS.

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What I really like about Maddy is that he demostrates how a pretty white boy can dress up and still show his ass as a bigoted, corrupt, evil and stupid person

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Turns out it doesn't just apply to healthcare. Yes please! Yes, I would very much like nameless faceless government bureaucrats responsible for processing my paperwork as opposed to nameless faceless bureaucrats from the private sector who are openly motivated to charge me more and deliver less services! I would like that!

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