"Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses."


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For me? You shouldn't have! No, really, those women scare me. They may just be organizing now, but next thing you know, they'll want to vote, and have the opportunity to earn 70% of what a man earns. It's a slippery damned slope.

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The difference between some lunatic on a streetcorner and a GOP never-will seems to be little more than a suit and a bank account. Wow.

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His speeches/interviews are as hard to watch as PDAOTNW's. It's barely even English. Drum speculates about ADHD. I wonder about medication...

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So, not only aren't comments allowed here, but our non-existent comments will now be judged by a babby?

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Whether or not the 2016 GOP goes down in history, one thing's sure: they're going down...

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You know who else let comments be judged by a babby...?

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just what we needed . . . another reason.

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does that apply to 'old goats' . . . ?

[ asking for a friend . . . of course ]

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Interesting...my uncle did exactly that...years of schooling, PhD, post doc work, wanted to make money, JD, worked for MOD as science prep for the trial lawyers so they could parrot scientific "facts" which "proved" what ever the MOD's wanted.

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JC was a prez who used deregulation for goodness and niceness instead of evil.

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Exactly what I have always posited.

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I've read that Trump doesn't like to read much of anything, and believes he can prepare for anything in about half an hour. So I suspect that his speeches are pretty much stream of consciousness due to lack of preparation. Similar comments came out about Sarah Palin after the failed VP campaign. It is just lazy, ego-maniacal people who don't learn enough to speak with any real knowledge and just throw shit against the wall hoping some of it will stick. And somehow it sticks to other people with similar approaches to life.

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why yes! datsh da one!

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I came through grad school around 1990 and thought a big part of the problem was in the way molecular biology was changing how labs ran. It seemed like before, a lab might consist of a professor, one or two post docs and a couple of grad students. But, some of the molecular biology labs had half a dozen post docs and maybe a dozen grad students, with people sometimes competing at the same projects. It seemed more corporate, and with less training for the grad students.My view might be skewed some because I earned my degree in electrophysiology lab where we collaborate extensively on designing experiments, but a single person pretty much does the experiment start to finish over 12-18 hours then repeats it several times to be sure of the results. Then post doc'ed in a lab where we did primarily did electrophysiology, but collaborated closely with a couple of molecular biology labs, then did a second post doc in a full fledged molecular biology lab, which was run by a prof. who couldn't even do the techniques she promised to teach me. She did not get tenure, or a decent job after leaving either despite having come from a well regarded lab. It may have been a more widespread development than I realized, but it sure seemed like labs were becoming more like little corporations that were more focused on getting published than in getting published and training the next generation of scientists. Which led to less people being ready to run their own lab, or conduct research on their own.

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Judgement will be based on how comment is formed.

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