Why do you think every two-bit village in Provence is built on a hilltop and heavily fortified? Good times!

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I was in the car yesterday when Graham was on NPR crapping his pants. I had to turn it off for fear I would ram a tree in a rage. Not a single person was interviewed advocating the hysteria is less than helpful. As soon as I can scrape together $100, I am replacing the radio in my car with one that will play music from a stick. I cannot listen to NPR anymore.

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NPR, in its efforts to prove that "Nuh-uh, we're not librul media!" has bent so far over backwards that its head is completely buried up its ass.

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Far Right Fundie Whack-a-loons in Scotland Condemn Pagans as "Biggest Threat To Western Civilization". Nice to know we USAians aren't the only ones plagued by these nuts... actually, no it isn't. We are running low on normality on the planet.


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oh no, the toddler terrorists posing as refugees are comin’ to get us!

Louie Gohmert warned us about the "terror babies" years ago and everybody except Repubs laughed. Louie knew all along. Eat that commie libtards.

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I guarantee you that Harris would find WBC's dogma just as indefensible as any interpretation of Islam. He doesn't see any evidence to support beliefs in the supernatural, and the more fundamentalist the delusion, the more damaging it becomes. That's what I got out of his stuff, I could be wrong. Hell, I prolly am.

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Wow, I read up on this guy's work and none of it makes sense to me.

I mean, I get that in the Western Abrahamic religions they separated the symbolic meaning out of Nature and put it into symbolic meaning of their Tall Tales With A Moral Meaning.

And this separation from Nature allowed us to dominate it better than the other Nature worshipping religions.

And as Guns, Germs and Steel points out, it may just have been the combination of lucky location of the Middle East being at a crossroads of East to West, which allowed the easy transfer of technology from China and the superior protein content of Mesopotamian grains vs the lower protein content of rice, which enabled the West to feed larger armies.

How many metaphors fit on the head of an angel?


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One that looks nice. And not too expensive.

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Some people know how to wear a turban.

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We are marching to Peoria 'cuz we couldn't find Pretoria on a map

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No greater oxymoron in all of Christian history than the phrase, Holy War.

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" Paganism " is the very Foundations of Western Civilization!It was so called " Judeo Christianity " ,a middle eastern construct which usurped the very Foundations of Europe/West.As Frederick Nietzsche wrote," The only thing good about Christianity ,is not Christian at all ".

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This was confusing me. I'm sort of a literalist.

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Ah, fuckoff.

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There are innumerable great pho places there now. Obviously, we won.

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