<i>“But again, we’re very busy in Washington with a corrupt government, with a government that I said a year ago, because of the money, <b>because of the TARP</b> and stimulus funds, was going to be the most corrupt government in history, and it is proving to be that.”</i>

STILL determined to rewrite history on who was behind that, aren't we?

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I don't have $875,000 for a GSA conference so I shouldn't get too cavalier. But that's not a lot of money compared to the $1,000,000,000 Bush spent on his made-up war in Iraq. Especially since billions of that dough just disappeared.

EDIT: It was $1,000,000,000,000.

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honey you shouldn't play in these fields. you don't got the gifts.

also, you know, chicago politics.

they hurt people.

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<i>Obama Administration ‘Most Corrupt In History’</i>


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Over on Yahoo! the right wing nutz were nicknamed "IMAX."

Wish I'd thought of that first.

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Actually, it runs much deeper than that. Proving the reactionaries don't understand our system of government.

The Federal government is of, by and for the people. We don't have a hereditary ruling class (although, since the Administrations of Ronald Reagan, we're growing one). Literally (as Sheer InSannity would say) the Federal government is us - and we are the government.

All of us.

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Exactly at what point does the cost of the Congressional "investigations" and hearings (ok, witch hunts) exceed the amount of money the GSA is supposed to have wasted?

Say the Vegas conference cost $800,000 and half of that was unnecessary (and keep in mind Sheer InSannity and Off-the-Mark Levin hammer Mr. Obama al the time for saying businesses shouldn't have conventions in Las Vegas).

Just one of those show-trial, grand standing hearings by Congress must have a $100,000 tab by the time all has been said (and nothing done).

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How many racist conservatives does it take to change a lightbulb?

Also none because they love being in the fucking dark.

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A trillion dollar Iraq war to set up a Shiite regime loyal to Iran pales in comparison to the much worse waste of $800,000.

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Darryl is a little girly man.

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Video needs more blubbering.

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