Michele Bachmann said there were over a million people! Are you calling her a liar? Well, are you? Nevermind, I'll do it. She pulled it out of her ass.
To be fair, she probably was flashing back to when she went to Woodstock (the movie) tripping on brown acid (coated shoelaces). That fair, isn't it?
He wants another scooter swarm to invade D.C. Bastard! But at least America can turn toward God some more, get more blessings and freedoms and ole tyme costumes.
It's hard not to see hypocrisy and racism among Tea Partiers who say Obama is ignoring the Constitution, indebting our children, grabbing Federal power. When George Bush was President and the Republicans controlled all branches of government, borrow-and-spend, Patriot Act, Terry Schiavo, TARP, and other outrages to liberty unfolded to the applause of the GOP and today's protesters.
As for the mosque, if you believe in the Constitution, it is your duty as a American citizen to defend it against government interference.
Michele Bachmann said there were over a million people! Are you calling her a liar? Well, are you? Nevermind, I'll do it. She pulled it out of her ass.
To be fair, she probably was flashing back to when she went to Woodstock (the movie) tripping on brown acid (coated shoelaces). That fair, isn't it?
He wants another scooter swarm to invade D.C. Bastard! But at least America can turn toward God some more, get more blessings and freedoms and ole tyme costumes.
It's hard not to see hypocrisy and racism among Tea Partiers who say Obama is ignoring the Constitution, indebting our children, grabbing Federal power. When George Bush was President and the Republicans controlled all branches of government, borrow-and-spend, Patriot Act, Terry Schiavo, TARP, and other outrages to liberty unfolded to the applause of the GOP and today's protesters.
As for the mosque, if you believe in the Constitution, it is your duty as a American citizen to defend it against government interference.
Please don't.
I might go if they offered free pizza, beer and ear plugs.