When his trial comes, it will be "mein schadenfreude" for the rest of us, even more so than since he first posted his crying meltdown video. X-D

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Parking lot jammed with clients' cars, also too.

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Wait - didn't he videotape himself blubbering and post it himself? What did he think would be the sequela of that?

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What I think he's trying to say is that the statements are *prejudicial*, not hearsay. That he mixed the to up might be an indication that he's not a very good attorney.

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So...hard left and unrelated black bloc like activists and extremists are not, at all, like the neo-nazi, alt-right, white supremacist christian extremists. Because only one side actively celebrates and intends to use gas chambers to exterminate their "enemies".

I am not a fan of violence. I'm less of a fan of false equivalencies.

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I've been studying this subject myself, and interestingly, a similar thing happens in small towns. My small college town had divisions 60 years ago - big, old houses on tree-lined streets where the white professors and lawyers and doctors lived, and smaller houses only a few blocks away where the middle-class people lived, and trailer parks and neighborhoods of very small 2-bed houses on tiny lots where the working class people lived, but nobody actually lived very far from anyone else as it was a small town, and we all shopped downtown and went to the same churches and schools. Then there was the "other side of the tracks" where all the poor black people lived and had their own school and churches. Schools weren't integrated until 1965 when I was in 4th grade.

The interesting thing was that we had only one high school, and everyone went there, rich and middle class and poor alike, black and white. But then in the late 60's all the rich people began to move to new subdivisions south of town, and they built a new high school there in 1973, so all the rich white kids went to their high school, and the middle class and working class and poor kids went to the old high school, and distinct social divisions began to appear. The area south of town grew and grew and is now almost a separate town. A mall was built, and all the downtown stores, where everyone had mixed, disappeared. Many professional offices moved to the southern part of town. All the big houses downtown were cut up into crappy college student apartments and the old wealthy neighborhoods deteriorated into student slums. They built public housing where the black slums used to be. There were 4 "downtown" elementary schools, but now they are "magnet" schools because nobody lives downtown except college students and poor black people. The university football stadium was greatly enlarged with special box seats for the rich people to sit in so they didn't have to mix with the rest of us. In order to get the best seats at the stadium you had to make a significant donation to the football team. The white working-class neighborhoods west of downtown all became student apartments or Section 8 housing, and all the white residents moved north and east of town.

So in this little town of 100,000 people, where we all used to mix all the time at school and for shopping and at football games and church, where we all lived within a few blocks of each other, there are now very sharp divisions. It has reached the stage where people identify their social status by saying which high school they went to, or which Wal-Mart they shop at.

And all the white middle class and working class people I know are terrified of the black people, which was not true 40 years ago. They buy guns and security systems and call the police if they see black teenagers loitering around, even though the teenagers are just waiting for the school bus.

Things got worse when the state legislature redrew the district so that the educated liberal people, who are the majority since this is a college town, were split into two districts that both include large working-class neighborhoods, and suddenly we were electing Republicans to the legislature for the first time. We have had a Planned Parenthood clinic for 40 years...the legislature is trying to shut it down. The public County hospital was sold to a private hospital chain that doesn't accept ACA plans.

And the people who have changed the least are the white working class people, who have been left out of the decision making for 100 years. There is no industry here, they mostly work in small businesses such as auto repair or restaurants or construction or maintenance for one of the hospitals or universities, or for the local utility companies. Neighborhoods where they used to live have become either student slums or Section 8 houses. The City Council has become so snobby that they have forced all the trailer parks in town to close, so that upscale apartments or businesses can be built on that land. These people are ANGRY. And they all voted for Trump.

And last year they built a third high school northeast of town, where most of the working-class people live, so now we have one high school for rich and middle-class white residents, a downtown high school for poor, mostly black residents, and a third high school for mostly white working class people. They bus the black kids around to try to even things out. They named the new high school after a prominent local black educator who spent her life working for integration, and many white people were upset about this (I went to junior and senior high school with her children, they were all brilliant students, she was an exceptional woman, she deserved the honor).

Everything became dramatically worse after 2009 because the working class people lost their jobs when many small businesses closed and the universities and hospitals began outsourcing to save money, and the ones with subprime mortgages found that their houses had devalued by 30% and couldn't be sold, and when a wife or husband lost their job due to the economic crisis, they couldn't pay the mortgage and lost the house to foreclosure. So they got even angrier. But their anger has no focus - they don't write letters, they don't organize or unionize, they don't fact-check, they are not articulate. However, they do vote.

If you drive a quarter of a mile outside of town you are in a vast sea of farming communities for 125 miles or more in every direction, all of which are white and conservative and deeply religious. There is nowhere for the working class people to go, or to find better jobs. Ditto for the poor black people.

I see what has happened better than most local people because I left this town for 25 years and only came back in 2009. All of my neighbors are white working-class people who are angry, and many of them have turned to fundamentalist religion for emotional support, or to drugs and alcohol. They all own several guns. It is not the same town that it was when I left it in the 80's.

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why am I not surprised he's a fucking REDCOAT?

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Are you going downtown, or to the Hall of Justice? The former is genteel; the latter... is less so. (I'm on call this week for the latter.)

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Civic Center courthouse, 400 McAllister.(I don't know which one that is.)

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That's the one downtown, for the white collar crimes. Still, if you end up ON a jury, bring whiteboard markers.

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I can't objectively handle anything involving animal cruelty.Also, I'm not squeamish at all.Do you think they'll give me a chance to tell them this?

(I only have ever sat on a civil jury in NY about insurance. One of the lawyers told me I was the "brain anchor," whatever that is.)

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Should things go as far as voir dire (they may not for you, because the standard practice is to call in the maximum number of people they could possibly need): there will come a point where, after folks have explained the basics of what the case is about, the judge will ask you-- you personally-- if you can be objective. Answer honestly. Worst that can happen is you'll be excused and thrown back into the juror pool. (Well, if you moon someone you could get sent away forever for contempt of court, so don't do that-- even if that is the maximally honest response.)

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Thanks for all the info.I'll try, (TRY) not to moon anyone!

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Argh! In historical cosplay, you don't wear a Victorian hat with a 17th century coat! It's the equivolent of wearing Wonder Woman's tiara while dressed as Beast

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