Lmao. So true. Reminds me of that Holly Hunter line from Broadcast News where the old network exec says all snarkylike "it must be nice to always be the smartest person in the room" and she sadly and poignantly replies " No. No it's not.". I am so Holly in that moment.

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Bigot has a closet.

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If we have to hope Republicans grow a conscience by then, welp, he's going on the 9th circuit.

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Hawley has a very long face.

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I'm glad you said that. I feel like I got that with Kavanagh, under pressure, but here I was dumb-founded. It's a softly asked question from a Republican, and he just collapsed instead of just trotting out the line he eventually says. Maybe it's just hearing that read aloud publicly — about *him* — that triggered the wounded pride reaction. And having the giant gap between what is being said about him and his scripted "Christian" response underscored.

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We're all Holly Hunter now. It's sad to see a once great republic brought to its knees by a 2 bit conman, and a reality TV star buffoon.

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Ya know, I climbed a tree and managed to get down on my own.

Just sayin'....

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Keystone XL just leaked a zillion gallons of toxic sludge all over North Dakota. And this asshat is totally unqualified.

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Imagine wanting to be a judge but also refusing to say you'll be fair to all litigants aka the most important part of being a judge

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I have to say that if his judicial impartiality is founded on his belief that everyone is made in his god's image, rather than on the fact that we are equal independent of belief, and deserve equal justice under the law, he's not qualified for the bench.

The fans of his capricious god have a track record of using that god as an excuse to claim that some people aren't made in their gawd's image enough, so that's just not a good enough basis for the justice system of a modern democracy.

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I didn't cry when I broke both legs/ankles/feet and most of my toes and had to splint the left one myself with a mini-duck-handled-umbrella and a knitted scarf. This is weaksauce, regardless of the gender identity of the person doing it.

Then again, I used to cry over long distance service commercials and still cry over stories about people being kind to strangers, so...

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I haven't tracked these guys with any dedication since the days of the Shrub - or really, Ronnie Raygun. But even then I was finding names that went back to Ferris F. Fremont, better known to most of you as Tricky Dick Nixon.

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We need to focus on their (domininist )long term goal to strip away worker's rights and return to serfdom. Sure all the other things are important, but when you're working 72 hours a week, Christmas and your birthday off of course, living in a sqaulid slum, it'll be too late for remedies at the voting booth. There won't be elections.Those are the exact conditions all my grandparents dealt with. There were elections, single candidate only.

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If Trump gets a second term, there's going to eventually be some rioting, since nobody wants to live in the "Christian" country these morons are striving for. I think there's going to be some serious civil unrest. The tyranny of the minority is getting old really fast.

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Trump is fond of portraying justices who rule against him as "Obama Judges". So... for the next thirty years, whenever we catch a particular stench wafting out the doors and windows of the federal judiciary, we'll be able to say with certainty: "Oh yeah... Trump Judges".

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