The black squirrel is a relation to the gray squirrel which is an invasive species, who in turn drove out the red squirrel.

Really Irony...really?

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"discover that not all <strike>illegal aliens</strike>; <i>white people born here, visiting Europeans, black people, Asians, Serbs, Croats, Icelanders, and visitors from Uranus</i> come here to work and eventually enter the mainstream.


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Speak in proper English, they will think you are from the moon or something.

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Good Mexican parents beat the hell out of their children when they come looking like gang members, god bless those magnificent child abusers.

In my teenage years, I dated the daughter of an illegal single father and he made it a point to show me his knife collection before I went on a date with his daughter Carolina. I was shaking so hard at 2nd base that I stimulated her to orgasm with just visceral fear.

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I used to deliver pizza in Phoenix and the immigrant families were some of the best tippers around, I would sneak them the leftover pizzas at the end of the night sometimes as well. A lot of times there would be 2 families in a 2 bedroom apartment.

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Not a bad beer selection. Not great. I suppose beer served by assholes, of any quality, is less enjoyable.

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The Black Squirrel guy has it right. Everyone knows it's all them illegals doing all them crimes. Why, check out <a href="http:\/\/www.ppic.org\/content\/pubs\/cacounts\/CC_208KBCC.pdf" target="_blank">this study</a>, which reports that "U.S.-born adult men are incarcerated at a rate over two-and-a-half times greater than that of foreign-born men" and "cities with large immigrant populations showed larger reductions in property and violent crime than cities without large immigrant populations."

Oh, wait, I meant <a href="http:\/\/www.cato-at-liberty.org\/misguided-fears-of-crime-fuel-arizona-immigration-law\/" target="_blank">this post</a>, which reports that "In the past decade, as the number of illegal immigrants in [Arizona] grew rapidly, the violent crime rate dropped by 23 percent, the property crime rate by 28 percent."

No, I, uh, Chandra Levy! Did anyone mention Chandra Levy?

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A black squirrel hates brown people? It will take a while for me to get my head around this.

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