Any woman with predator detection instincts, really.

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He hasn’t’t been able to button that cheap jacket for his last 40 pounds.

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I started typing some words that would make the banhammer of loving correction smite me into little profane splinters so I am redacting all that.

It must've been damn hard to write about such arrant fuckery with the class and restraint you've shown here. Thank you, Stephen.

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Alls I know is I'm still waiting for my GD Soros Check

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All with ignorance. All with failure to understand. All with sloppiness. All with "there's this BALANCED AGAINST COMPELLING STATE INTEREST phrase" and "Oh yeah ..." like they forgot.

People joke about COVID45 saying things like "I like my people uneducated" -- that's for real. Every wanna-be demagogue (or his/her handlers) know(s) people who don't know things are much easier to manipulate.

Sarah Kendzior warns against treating COVID45 like he's JUST a buffoon, instead of a corrupt buffoon who's being used as a tool to literally bring the whole American democratic (small "d") infrastructure down


Aaaaand right on time - speaking of hypocrisyhttps://twitter.com/HoarseW...

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SER, I hope you continue covering this case for literally years.

There's so much that needs attention, from the details on the as-yet-uncharged accomplice who took the video and released it thinking it would exonerate the McMichaels to the future trial, to the ethics complaints and recall efforts against the first two DAs involved, to digging up what's going on with the 3rd DA - who, I am completely convinced, was also fully intending to bury the case without charges until the video forced his fucking hand. Just because he didn't put out a patently racist statement to the media doesn't mean that he wasn't acting out of patent racism. I think the 3 DAs were aware of how it had reflected badly on them to have that original media statement out there when Barnhill was so clearly in a position of "actual or perceived bias" with his son being a friend and (recent but now former) co-worker of Greg McMichael. I cannot reach the conclusion that that 3rd DA Tom whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is was being silent about the case because he was actually interested in a thorough and reasonable investigation. No, it's damn hard to hold that opinion since it only took the GBI a single day to look at the evidence and conclude an arrest was warranted. The vastly more likely scenario is that he was sitting on the case silently in order to more effectively ratfuck the investigation. The statement that he'd send the charges to the grand jury someday, when COVID-19 was over, sounds reasonable but is further evidence that he did not want the case to move forward.

There's just so much story here, and I want to know fucking ALL of it. I want the racists at the center and even the periphery of this story to never, ever escape the searing light of public attention over this. Like scared, confused cockroaches, they can run from it, but no matter where they go, they should still find themselves in the light.

Please, shine this light on them for-fucking-ever.

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In broad daylight.

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It's not the only portion of their self-serving statement that was proved false. The video proves false the idea that Arbery was the aggressor.

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Dear white racists:

Would you mofos please all paint yourselves green or purple or some other color not normally found on humans? The rest of us white folks would like to not be mistaken for you, kthxbai.

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Well, that's because that excuse is primarily for cops. The standard by which cops' shooting of civilians is different than the standard by which random civilians are judged when they shoot other civilians.

Remember that the older was a cop for a couple decades. He would know not to admit something that would exonerate a cop but get a civilian in trouble.

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Actually I do think it proves something - but not because of any later arrest.

It proves that he was happy to have his photo taken with someone wearing a shirt that proudly proclaims its (at minimum) religious bigotry) and (in all evidence probability) its racism as well.

When you see a shirt like that and agree to pose for a picture with the wearer, their future (potential) crime isn't the problem. The problem is that you're treating bigotry as something to smile at.

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Those facts alone are probably the main reason she was arrested and prosecuted twice. I won't even repeat what I have heard motherfucking crackers like Barnhill say about women like this brave, patriotic woman and her even more courageous mother.

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Thanks for publishing his photo. Let him take his chances with the public-at-large.

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Actually, it has now been taken over by POC and is demanding actual justice for Cletus and his offspring.

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Already done. Red hats.

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He exhibited extremely hostile behavior when he realized we were going to shoot him..

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