Well, Nancy Reagan, but that was more of a Weekend At Bernie's kind of thing...

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“Yes, I will vacate your adoption and release you both into the wild, so that you may gay marry each other until your hearts’ content,”

See, now, in a Tom of Finland film, the son would have ended up in a bar out on the interstate where some predatory bear was lying in wait to snap him up and make sexy time with his new cub.

But the cub would have had a change of heart (only after the lumberjack camp scene, tho) and gone home to his spouse, where there would be pizza delivered, and...

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Coming Soon from Disney Animation Studios!

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Just a reminder that Wonkette does not allow comments.

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The fact that any two people had to do something so ridiculous just to make sure they could be there for each other in difficult times boggles the mind. It's far past time to get marriage equality done.

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Some sports. American Football just seems to build psychopaths.

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I wish No Contest by Alfie Kohn was still in print. (At least it's on kindle. http://www.amazon.com/No-Co...tl;dr It's not just a "jerk jock" cliche, team sports do actually make you a worse person.

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Yes. "My daughter and I" when it should be "my daughter and me"?Hanging's too good for the likes of them.

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Turns out the GOP ARE thinking of the children. Who knew?

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+1 for homeschooling

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Of course it does. These guys are taught from an early age that they are literally worth nothing except what they can give the game, and that so long as they are good at the game, they can do anything that they want and be praised.Also, too, there is a lot of head smashing going on and that sort of wrecks people anyway.

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Anciently this was done by heterosexual couples who couldn't stand their families of origin and wanted to make sure that their spouse got all the property no matter who predeceased them (I saw an Egyptian legal document for this in a museum.)

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My institutional memory just isn't the same as it used to be.

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I got to get some of that.

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After reading your comment I went looking for Tom of Finland films and all I could find was a damn documentary. So disappointing.

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Headline: Gay Marriage Ban Leads to Incest!

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