All idiots are idiots, not all health stores are full of idiots. If you go to a good doctor or naturopathic doctor there are supplements that can help immensely. The idiots are the people that read a news article or listen to their pig farmer friend and randomly start taking something that may not do anything or harm them.

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There are. Happily, they have little or no political power. At the moment.

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I Didn’t Vaccinate My Kids and the One Who Lived Turned out Fine https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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<takes pains to hide the saw and grinder behind his back>

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Has anyone ever actually tracked down whether that Mormon-on-Mormon conversation actually happened... and whether there's any actual records of the kids' existence?

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What's that saying about taking vitamins, something to the effect that the only guaranteed effect will be to give you expensive urine? Maybe it makes your shit pricey, too?

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Due to low blood sugar and a personal disgust with idiots who don't understand medicine or mental illness this comment will be self disemvoweled (poorly)Hy sshle, -'v got sm mgc bns fr y. Thy nly lk lk shtgn pllts. Bsds ld s gd fr y.

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You're funny! Why would anyone do any of that?

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My ex went to school with some Mormons kids. Was very good friends with one family, even went to their version of catechism to see what it was about. From what she used to tell me, this sounds about right.

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That's murder.

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Results, dammit, that's what I want!

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Everything about this story, from the farmyard Mormon good ol' boys forward (and probably back, up a tree with insufficient branches), makes me want to walk out into the howling desert and never return.

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Mom, is that you?!?

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They'll start hawking Alex Jones's trucker speed next ... what is it "brain block" or something?

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Casn't believe he's A) Already out of jail; 2) doesn't have a probation condition preventing him from any involvement with natropathic woo; and III) What even the fuck?

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"Maybe They're Really Magic!"


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