Wait, I thought good, pure, Christian values were all you needed to be elected to Congress? I mean, that's what all the ads on the teevee tell me anyways.

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Another Karl Rove snafu? One of Lester Flatt's and Earl Scrugg's lesser known tracks, Turd Blossom Breakdown.

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My mom gave me a set of luggage on my 18th birthday. No, that's not true. She died not long after my 18th. Then my brother and sister kicked me out of the family home.

Good times...good times.

(I hope this thread doesn't turn into a Four Yorkshiremen skit)

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So Danny boy got <i>Condi</i> to vouch for his being "a great family man"?

What next - Big Dick (Cheney) vouching for his military service? Rummy vouching for his competence?

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People that have tried it have never tasted it.

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We are citizens, united against some of their decisions.

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<i>Might be they didn’t want the Sullivan name attached to Karl Rove’s bullshit factory, because practically nobody likes Karl Rove</i>

Might be the family lackey charged with writing checks and spreading around the love for junior got slipped a handsome finders fee so Karl stillwaitingforthoseelectionresultsinOhio Rove could get his 3% ad buy.

/grifters gotta grift</i>

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