Honestly I’m completely fine if all they want to focus on now is potato pen and vag. Midterms provided Dems can maintain a baseline competence “we voted for a massive rescue package and an infrastructure rescue bill while they played with plastic potato toys”

And I feel like I’m taking actual crazy pills

The line has changed from “Mr Potato head brand plastic potato toys” to “Potato head brand potato heads”

That’s it

Still female http://www.walmart.com/ip/P...

And male potatoeshttps://www.ebay.com/itm/Ha...

I shit you not the Mr is out of stock because people are fucking morons and don’t actually read the news.

This is the most well executed conservative troll of all time.

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As I said in FB comment to a friend from high school who tried to dip their toes into this culture war yesterday but ended up deleting the post when she realized she didn't know wtf she was talking about:

"If a company publishes a press release about a change to their products in the woods and Fox News isn't there to tell you it's "Cancel Culture," does it even make a sound?"

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I'm putting my taxes together so I can pay for Biden's Space Force.

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Worse than that. They imagine they’ll be living in a Gender Neuter Apocalypse. The rest of the human race would all be wearing gray jumpsuits and bowl haircuts. They would be bravely using gendered pronouns and wearing hypermasculine and hyperfeminine clothing, daring any reprisals from the nongendered Orwellian overlords.

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If they had the courage of their convictions, their display cases would show Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head making new potatoes.

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Maybe the folks at Hasbro are GOP donors and it’s all a scheme to drive the prices up.

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Jefferson Beauregard Sessions remains the worst of all the Airplane splinter groups, including Starship

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A partly live un-plugged album that never made it onto the charts was Nickleback, the Jefferson Beauregard Sessions

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And, no more pizza because of the kid sex going on in the basement!

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We Wrecked This City

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We Segregated This City

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We knew it would be weird when a normal, capable, thoughtful adult was governing from the Oval Office, but this shit is just bonkers. They literally have nothing to talk about anymore. Nothing.

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I always liked, “With Your Love.” I never liked ANY-THING about jeffery butter beans.

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We Did So Build This City (and No One Helped Us, Ever)

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