I believe the actual implication is that conservative pundits and critics are selective about what they consider wasteful. The Iraq War was not a thing they <strike>usually</strike> ever discuss the cost of, despite its extreme cost in both dollars and lives. Ergo, they don't really care about government waste, just bringing it up to have another thing to complain about.

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Yeah, but even when at Crawford he took the time to get briefings... oh. right. Never mind.

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That part of the trip where Time Travel Obama went back and erased all the God's and Our Lord's and direct mentions of Christianity from the Constitution.

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*Tattoos W-I-T-H on right hand knuckles, V-O-T-E-S on left*

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Seriously, Reagan made 14 overseas trips in eight years? The President of the Motherfucking United States? Fewer than two trips per year?

Foreign poor relations, amirite?

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All of them, rick?

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We've moved on from that.

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All of it, Katie.

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Second term?

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It's the fucking time traveling, isn't it?

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This appears to prove...that Obama plays Golf alot?

The part I think we were looking for "evidence" of is "he takes vacations and plays golf all the time because he doesn't want George W Bush to look too bad by comparison."

You seem to be proposing that A) George Bush did more actual work as president, and that the effects of that work were directly negative, and furthermore that B) Obama's productive time as president has equal or greater positive consequences that he is fully aware of, so he is somehow generating a net negative to his historical legacy through inaction...because it helps Bush, somehow.

ETA: Now I'm just confused :P

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*Because <i>someone</i> needs to make the sammiches.

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Well he would, but Skyler stopped counting them and started to just use a shovel.

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And this doesn't even include the time traveling!

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