110 registered users with the name Tecumseh. 76% are ready to march on Atlanta all over again.

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As a former junior-highschooler who always answered surveys about drug and alcohol use, sex, smoking, and other topics with the most outlandish numbers available in the multi-choice list, I'm gonna take a wild guess here that these results are not 100% accurate. But I'm also gonna go out on a limb and predict that possible inaccuracy will prevent this from becoming a story on RWNJ sites, since they are always careful about their fact-checking. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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Why does it keep getting overlooked that Hitler should be recognized as the man who killed Hitler?

Too soon?

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Lame. Not a single registered voter named Shypixel?

I'm calling bullshit.

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It least the Dems have actual names instead of made-up bullshit like 'Newt', "Rand', "Louis', and 'John".

Let alone Track, Tripp, Bristol, and Todd.

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Where does the name "Jesus" fall on the spectrum? Given the GOP's attempt at Latino "outreach", I'm betting it's not at all in their favor.

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So let me get this straight, the majority of people with common ethnic names tend to be democrats. Gee, considering the way Republicans shit all over immigrants and people of color I can't imagine why...

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