Wikipedia: <i>After Carlson told Stewart "I think you're more fun on your show," Stewart replied by saying: "You know what's interesting though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show."</i>

Therefore Daily Caller should become Big Dick.

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Would've been just <a href="http:\/\/www.cleveland.com\/plaindealer\/" target="_blank">too ironic</a> if it'd happened in Cleveland.

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And <i>Daily Pot-Pie.</i>

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Remember when this used to be called "cyber-squatting"? As though figuring out that GM.com might have market value before somebody at GM did were comparable to illegally occupying real estate. Rent-seeking capitalists are the fiercest enemies of capitalism.

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My thoughts exactly. Why didn't he borrow $20,000 from his parents, like good Republican capitalists are supposed to do? Why does Tucker Carlson hate Amercia?

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Spin the hair-triggered AK-47?

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