Well, he's the only one on the planet that makes "Chainsaw" Dan Snyder look like a semi-decent human being by comparison.

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Oh for fuck's sake.

Look, I can't even with the Daily Callgirl. I can barely address sports team names.

It has always seemed a bit strange to me that so many sports names are based on Native American stereotypes. I've attributed it to a form of respect, and in some cases a desire to capture local history. The thing is, there is respect, and then there is also bullshit.

There are a couple of ways that using Native American imagery can be offensive. One is to actively promote stereotypes (I'm looking at you, tomahawk chop* and Chief Wahoo). This isn't a problem with the team name; it's a problem because the team management are assholes.

Then, we have the Redskins. Is there really anyone in the English-speaking world who doesn't realize that "Redskin" is equivalent to "Nigger"? It would be (marginally) less offensive if they called them the "Gohmerts".

Jesus fucking Christ. We can argue about Braves or Warriors or Seminoles; but REDSKINS is fucking bullshit.

* I'm pretty sure that during the few years the Braves were the Milwaukee Braves, there was no such thing as a tomahawk chop.

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Well, obviously, if you're not an ID-carrying Native American, you've got no business objecting to the team name. It's just logic, people!

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All Of the Teabaggers, Katie.

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For reasons I've never understood, Virginia Tech comes close.

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George Preston Marshall changed the name from Braves to Redskins in 1933 - many suspect it was motivated mostly because the latter was unambiguously a slur whereas the former could indicate respect, on account of how Marshall was a balls out racist his whole life - he got chuckles out of ordering his head coach to don war paint and feathers. This is the legacy Dan Snyder is desperate to uphold.

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<blockquote>Congratulations, Daily Caller. We guess you proved conclusively that the term “Redskins” is not a problem for white people.</blockquote>

Alternative conclusion: <em>even completely white guys</em> think the term's balls-out racist.

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Oh look, the Daily Namecaller is calling people names again.

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Don't bother; I get all my Oneida on eBay nowadays. BTW, they're all offended by the Redskins, especially this season.

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Tucker Carlson, right? That white-ass honkey cracker bitch?

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Ever notice how 99% of wingnuts "AHA!!!" moments end up being "what the fuck are you talking about" moments?

I do.

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I hope whomever is sifting through the Daily Caller for newz is getting hazard pay. And some nice, warm, soup.

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...geez, you guys need have cup of fire water and chill out with this racism thing

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I find it refreshing to see the Daily Caller trying to prove somebody's white american-ness for a change.

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