The Saudis and other Gulf monarchies have hit upon a brilliant scheme for preventing their citizens ever rising up: get immigrants with no rights to do all the work, while actual citizens sit around and take it easy.
That's a similar strategy as run by modern American corporates: get immigrants in to do all the skilled AND unskilled labour, while feed white rural America up on a diet of subsidies, opioids and Fox News/Sinclair Broadcasting. The latter thus becomes completely economically unnecessary, but a reliable voting bloc for fascism.
In Texas, a group of evangelical churches waged war on critical reading and thinking skills because they didn't want their kids to question them or the bible.Then they took over the school boards.
Dumping Twitter, Facebook and Instagram is not that great of a sacrifice and is fairly easy to do. Getting rid of Google is a lot tougher slog. Google is the Kevin Bacon of the internet.
Yes. It allows hidden groups, which can focus on a topic of interest without trolls being able to hijack it. You have to be invited to even see that it exists. I'm on one that started as a closed group (visible, but must request access) when a certain website announced they were going to axe the hobbyist forum and photo uploads. After a while of no requests to join from people from the old forum, it was changed to a closed group. Now new people only join when a current member tells them about it, and asks the owner to issue an invite. It's a nice and peaceful place for us to chat and share. Just lie about everything you have to tell Facebook when you join, and you are golden.Helpful hint: They won't believe you if you enter a name that is two easily recognized non-name words, but if you delete a vowel from each, the algorithm can't tell it isn't a name.
When people say "teach critical thinking" do they mean like as a separate subject? Because learning to think critically was an integral part of English, History and Science when I was in school and we weren't told that's what we were doing.
"Critical thinking" is a concept that was pretty much killed off decades ago. My best guess as to why is because it contains the word "critical," and we're all supposed to be MUCH to polite and civil to be "critical" of each other. Or something. Beats the everliving fuck outta me, but I Are A Old and was raised by a mother who taught me that a lady is a woman who is never unintentionally rude. So when I'm rude to people like Fucker Snarlson it is MOST DEF intended.
Well, the whole problem may be our concept of "teaching." When I was in school it meant something other than hurling shit that would be on standardized tests at students and expecting them to rote memorize.
That's the concept. I figured it was a backlash against "teaching the test" which most schools have moved to. The idea of thinking critically in ALL subjects was presented as the "new" method of learning, but I'm not sure it went beyond lip-service. I know it worked with my daughter to the point where by the time she graduated she was awarded high honors and at the same time the administration breathed a sigh of relief when she walked off the stage. It's hard when your students critically think through your arbitrary rules and assignments and challenge you using logic and, well, critical thinking. Even worse is when they have the communication skills to convince the rest of the class that your rules and assignments are about 50% bullshit.
I have never read Axios.
The Saudis and other Gulf monarchies have hit upon a brilliant scheme for preventing their citizens ever rising up: get immigrants with no rights to do all the work, while actual citizens sit around and take it easy.
That's a similar strategy as run by modern American corporates: get immigrants in to do all the skilled AND unskilled labour, while feed white rural America up on a diet of subsidies, opioids and Fox News/Sinclair Broadcasting. The latter thus becomes completely economically unnecessary, but a reliable voting bloc for fascism.
Self-evident tiny dick is self-evident.
oh, we have a lawyer here...
I'm more of a Paralawyer
h/t John Grisham
In Texas, a group of evangelical churches waged war on critical reading and thinking skills because they didn't want their kids to question them or the bible.Then they took over the school boards.
Dumping Twitter, Facebook and Instagram is not that great of a sacrifice and is fairly easy to do. Getting rid of Google is a lot tougher slog. Google is the Kevin Bacon of the internet.
Yes. It allows hidden groups, which can focus on a topic of interest without trolls being able to hijack it. You have to be invited to even see that it exists. I'm on one that started as a closed group (visible, but must request access) when a certain website announced they were going to axe the hobbyist forum and photo uploads. After a while of no requests to join from people from the old forum, it was changed to a closed group. Now new people only join when a current member tells them about it, and asks the owner to issue an invite. It's a nice and peaceful place for us to chat and share. Just lie about everything you have to tell Facebook when you join, and you are golden.Helpful hint: They won't believe you if you enter a name that is two easily recognized non-name words, but if you delete a vowel from each, the algorithm can't tell it isn't a name.
The Guy At The End Of The Bar (who's been here since 10AM) can fact with the best of 'em...
All hail the Jitterbug Media Group.
Forgot last time. If I don't get it this time...
When people say "teach critical thinking" do they mean like as a separate subject? Because learning to think critically was an integral part of English, History and Science when I was in school and we weren't told that's what we were doing.
"Critical thinking" is a concept that was pretty much killed off decades ago. My best guess as to why is because it contains the word "critical," and we're all supposed to be MUCH to polite and civil to be "critical" of each other. Or something. Beats the everliving fuck outta me, but I Are A Old and was raised by a mother who taught me that a lady is a woman who is never unintentionally rude. So when I'm rude to people like Fucker Snarlson it is MOST DEF intended.
Well, the whole problem may be our concept of "teaching." When I was in school it meant something other than hurling shit that would be on standardized tests at students and expecting them to rote memorize.
"Both of the outlets approved by the Board are considered by some to be partisan"
"Science Feedback fact-checks news and information primarily based on whether it is rooted in science."
It is considered partisan to check whether news reporting on science is in fact rooted in science.
That's the concept. I figured it was a backlash against "teaching the test" which most schools have moved to. The idea of thinking critically in ALL subjects was presented as the "new" method of learning, but I'm not sure it went beyond lip-service. I know it worked with my daughter to the point where by the time she graduated she was awarded high honors and at the same time the administration breathed a sigh of relief when she walked off the stage. It's hard when your students critically think through your arbitrary rules and assignments and challenge you using logic and, well, critical thinking. Even worse is when they have the communication skills to convince the rest of the class that your rules and assignments are about 50% bullshit.