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Lock. Them. Up. AOT, K. It feels like I spend every day waiting for Mueller, but I'm glad to let him take his sweet time, because I'm sure they're uncovering more filth every hour of every day.

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Also, what is the age of the grandkid. If the kid is young, you will have many years to enjoy being close by. If the kid is 14 or 15, you may not see as much of them and in a very few years, the kid may be off to college. Then you may regret leaving your friends. But I would not let fear of war influence you.

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these people really need to be punished. $1 million over 6 years? I just can't even.how's about we make them work in government again, say another 4-8 years? and the ringleader will have to come back, to. I'm not gonna let Obama off the hook. aww, heck, another 4-8 years for everyone.

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Is that you, Sarah Palin?

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I think Trump has a point about fairness in the media.We should outlaw all sources funded by political billionaires.Your move, Daily Faller.

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Oh, that's the whole thing. Tucker's mom's friends use it as a tax dodge, and he doesn't have to pay his writers.

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Invite her to be your roommate so you can both survive the coming war. You can split the bills and get a nicer place together. You have someone to yell for if something bad happens. And best of all, you get to LIVE with your BEST FRIEND. That is the best deal I can imagine, and I have had that experience and I want it back like nobody's business.

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Daily Caller: where truth goes to die

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I strongly suspect that when all of the details come out about the private flights it will turn out that the Trump Organization is getting kickbacks from all of it.

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" Hopped on a plane to Alaska to go to a steakhouse. " That must be one hell of a steak. Imagine what their deep-fried onion blooming thing must be like.The right wing alt -media tries so hard that they overplay their hand. In Spades.

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Sadly, Trump's fear mongering is affecting you. Don't let his scare tactics determine your life choices.

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The investigation into the investigation should be quick: It probably was done by Tucker Carlson's wife while she was repairing her foundation in the ladies' room while he was ordering dessert at their favorite restaurant.

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Look at his canines, rising up. He must need blood.

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