But you repeat yourself.

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The buried lede is that Jason Heyward is black, and thus lazy. Duh. And he's not Latin black, he Atlanta native black. (he also hit a home run on his first major league swing, pretty sweet) This exhausts my knowledge about the braves.

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Most often the head-first slide is when a runner is going back to their base on a pickoff move by the pitcher. You also sometimes see runners slide head-first into second when they're trying to steal a base, especially if they're named Jose Reyes - the Mets spent years trying to teach him <em>not</em> to do that, but never managed it.

Video analysis has confirmed that sliding head-first doesn't get you there any faster than sliding feet-first and common sense, confirmed by injury statistics, says feet-first is much safer. Plus feet-first is better at breaking up double-plays.

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Anyone who didn't think it was possible for a candidate to be <em>more</em> out of touch than John "I don't know how many houses I own" McCain has been quite emphatically proven wrong, haven't they?

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"never seems to have had to slide head-first into a base his entire life"

One point...

He doesn't have to slide head-first into a base because he has been able to slide head-first into Michelle.

Base - 0 Michelle -1

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More like bath salts.

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I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but there was a blog 'Fire Joe Morgan', which ridiculed bad sports journalism.

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Genital mutilation or GTFO!

What's <strike>important</strike> funny are Geller's typos. What's <strike>news</strike> humorous are Geller's typos.


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Wow....a political metaphor using baseball so dumb George Will didn't come up with it.

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Hell, they even go looking desperately for sympathy about the problems the other groups you identify <em>wished</em> they had, like, for example, the fact that they'll have to pay <em>income tax</em> on their $100 million IRA when they retire.

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You scared me with that Mike Judge thing- isn't it Mark Judge? I just googled because I couldn't believe that Mr King of the Hill would write for the Daily Caller.

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Wow. He got to second base? Conservative Hero Feels Breast.

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I'm sure race played no part in his assignation of the roles of liberal to Heyward and conservative to Harper.

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Obama is not like Rmoney, who recurrently dives head first into his money bin.

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The column DOES read like either Beavis and/or Butthead wrote it, however.

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Just because you can type words doesn't mean that you should.

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