But why not more? Just listen to all the people saying we should be paying players like professionals. Tuition rates, we have lift off.

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Unlike your sexual identity, wingnut IS a choice.

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It's almost like they enjoy the burn.

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I feel like Mr. Owens argument is the result of being run over too many times by the Sooner Schooner.

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Equal Rights for Male Trollops!!!1!!1

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At the University of Oklahoma?! They're just begging for more tornadoes now, aren't they.

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My understanding is that this money comes from booster organizations, who do a fine job of skimming off their own little profit margin for their administration costs, as well television revenues, advertising and sponsorship revenues. And all while the athletes get paid in classes that they rarely have time to take, although there is plenty of money in the pool to reimburse them. It's a broken system in need of serious overhaul: http://www.theatlantic.com/...

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Teh Gaiz of Oklahoma should be careful of a trap here; I recall the tactic during my studies there, of implementing a Straight Students Union to match the GBLT Students Union, then passing a measure banning ALL "sexually oriented clubs" from campus. The enemy is stupid, but clever.

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We've said it before and we'll say it again: the idea of "consent" is just too sophisticated for people like Owens and Campbell to grasp. They can't understand it when it comes to rape, to childbearing, and now even to the difference between forcible segregation and voluntary affiliation. They're just a bunch of big old cretins, bless their hearts.

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Hope springs eternal.

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"...for those who seem to have been jerking it in the locker room when God was handing out brains."

You say that like it's a bad thing...

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The money in the NCAA system from TV revenues, sponsorship deals, etc. could more than easily pay the athletes. Not paying them is a way the sportsball programs keep themselves rolling in the dough the athletes are earning for them on the field. The ban on the athletes getting individual endorsement deals for themselves is to limit the competition for sponsorship monies.

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Dear Concern Trolls:Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!

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"Is it because Owens is A Idiot, or is it because he’s a concern troll?"

If the foo shits, he's wearing it.

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