Daily Wire Dude Pretty Sure If 5 Million White People Just Said N-Word At Same Time, They'd Never Be Lonely Again
These people are such losers.
There is a disease a number of conservative white people have, a mental sickness that makes them believe all other white people secretly agree with them on everything, but are too scared to say so. Because of society or their job or because they’re afraid other liberals will judge them or because they’re just a bunch of pussies. But these conservative white people aren’t like that. No, THEY are strong. THEY can say what they think. THEY are Ford Tough.
Nothing will dissuade them from this belief, no matter how often reality smacks them in the jimmies and punches them in the face.
They also hate it when you talk about this in public, when you tell their secrets. They hate it when you talk in public about the fact that lots of conservative white people freely drop racial slurs in front of any white person, even strangers, in front of freaking real estate agents or store clerks, as long as they think nobody else is listening. They look at the fellow white person with a conspiratorial glint in their eye that says, “It’s OK. You are safe saying the THE THINGS WE ALL LOVE TO SAY with me.”
When you don’t go along with it, or (better) when you tell them to take their pigfuck bigotry and shove it in their own eyesocket, they just take that as evidence of the aforementioned proposition, that they are strong, and you are weak and scared of being judged.
Like we said, it’s an affliction. One might even call it a mind virus.
Daily Wire co-CEO Jeremy Boreing did a demonstration this week in an appearance on the Tim Pool show. We guess he’s just really upset that bosses fire people for such minor offenses as dropping N-words, and he has a solution.
Let’s look at all the ways Jeremy’s mind virus has infected him:
JEREMY BOREING: Here's the problem. The problem is that anonymity on the internet allows for the ghettoizing of beliefs that are not approved by the regime.
“The regime.” This would be Joe Biden and the rest of the Deep State, we guess. These lunatics like saying “the regime.” It makes them feel like they are part of something, that their opposition to “the regime” gives their unfortunate lives meaning. They are all oppressed, and they all have to hide their true selves from “the regime.”
BOREING: So, a lot of people will say, well, I have to be anonymous on the internet because if my boss finds out that I've got these views, they'll fire me.
“These views.”
BOREING: But you're only in the position where your boss could fire you for finding out about those views because you've allowed those views to be completely ghettoized through anonymity online. If 5 million people came out today and said the N-word -- not recommending it -- but no one would ever get fired for saying the N-word again.
TIM POOL: Yeah, they wouldn't be able to.
There’s the fantasy. Oh look, Tim Pool has the disease too!
The disgusting, humiliating, locked-in-their-rooms, jerking-themselves-raw fantasy is that so many people secretly think just like them that if they all one day just decided to come out at the same time, to show us all their true colors, then they’d find out that actually all the other white people think just like them.
Their boss thinks just like them! Their neighbors think just like them! People who look the other way when they see them in public think just like them! Bet people will start inviting them to their social gatherings now!
It is so sad.
These are the conservative parents during the holidays who refuse to confront the fact that their kids are never coming home again because of them. Who believe the college brainwashed their child to be liberal, that their kids are LGBTQ+ because they were “groomed,” that their kid won’t privately make racist jokes with them because they’re just no fun anymore.
BOREING: You wouldn't be able to. You would have brought that to a -- you would have brought that to a conclusion. That little absurdity in our culture would be brought to an end. The ghettoizing of our beliefs allows for the punishment of anyone who steps outside of the ghetto.
“That little absurdity” is, again, the fact that it’s socially unacceptable for white people to refer to Black people with the most hurtful, abusive racial slur that exists.
POOL: Yeah.
“Yeah,” says Tim Pool.
BOREING: So if they catch you saying what you believe, they can fire you. But if we all just had our names on it, and we're saying the things that we believe -- and you might say that we would have more cultural cohesion if we didn't have online anonymity too because the online anonymity also allows us to become more radicalized in ways that prop -- left and right -- in ways that probably aren't ultimately good.
“If we all just had our names on it.”
Because in the fantasy, you’re not lonely anymore. In the fantasy, everybody is on your side. In the fantasy, you are loved.
White conservatives are pathetic fucking people, what an absolute joke.
These people are rejected by society because people don’t like them.
Long past time for ‘em to grow up and accept it.
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Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor, SNL 1975
The job interview racist word association test:
(progressively escalating racist word associations)
Jungle bunny?
Honkey honkey!
*Dead* Honkey!
Some of us oldz remember watching this live.
Perhaps instead of obsessing about it, you should take a moment and ponder why you want to say a word that hurts other human beings and has a long history of being said by people who were demonstrably evil?
What does that say about you?