Yep, a man. This reminds me of a documentary I watched years ago about some white dudes venturing into deepest Africa for the first time. There was much talk of how the indigenous peeps were all a-skeered of the pale-skinned interlopers, thinking they were ghosts and wanting nothing to do with them, their cameras, or their trinkets. Cut to present day and a group of very old women talking about the event: apparently, some of the explorers had put the moves on the local females (natch) and that's when the women knew they were just ordinary men. Then they all fell out laughing and shaking their heads.

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But what would he say to a drinky-thing with the wonketariat?

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I'm sorry, what were you saying? I was thinking about boobs...

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I dunno. I'm not entirely sure that that wasn't a dad joke gone really wrong. The way he points to himself and says the chicky llama would have to be hot like him is obviously meant to be self deprecating. While I'm sure Tibetan Buddhism suffers from patriarchy like many other religions, I got the feeling from the video that the DL was trying to pull the interviewer's leg and just didn't do a very good job of it.

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You ladies are welcome to set up a matriarchy, but you'll have to pry the archy out of our cold dead hands. And would it kill you to lose a few pounds?

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We also value reality TV over public broadcasting, and that sure doesn't make it right.

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I thought she hacked her hair off in the last season?

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Hey, we Buddhists like our women enlightened, with a bangin' body.

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One weird trick?

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I nominate Barbra Streisand to be the next Dali Lama. Hello Dali!

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Eh, when you're like 6000 years old or however long ago the first Llama spirit was born before he reincarnated into you (that's how they do it, right?) then you'd make weird, off colored jokes too. Kaili, you can be the first female Dalai Llama, that would actually be pretty awesome what with the weekly "mad about a thing" addresses full of profane anger. Just lose the bed sheets...

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The Llama had just gotten done looking at that picture of Kate Upton's ginormous boobs on "19 Scandalous Celebrity Sightings" on the right side before he said that....hey coincidence, so did I!

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Carol Channing or GTFO!

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I present to you his successor, the "Dolly" Lama, whose wisdom is like an island in the stream.

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You can call her Mary or you can call her Mary Johnson or you can call her Mary J. or you can caller M. Johnson but....

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Stunning, you meant.

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