I plan on losing the entire summer this year. So starting June 1st, I'm doing my Master's Thesis through September. That should keep me busy and off the streets.

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Perm? You have to wash it out after it cures for an hour or so. Unless they expect you to do it at home?

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You don’t understand...this is what Abbot and Patrick want. They want the “weak” to die, especially since it is the poor, old (who are the poor, too) and POC here who are doing most of the dying.

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Closing shit up and wearing masks IS taking responsibility you braying jackass!!

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I wonder how bad it is under the eye patch? The only reason I wonder is if he could pass acceptably as a two-eyed person with a glass eye but wanted the sympathy the eye patch gives to further his political career.

If his socket is so fucked up from the injury that cost him the eye that a prosthetic isn't feasible, I can understand that, but it isn't my first assumption, because he's a politician, and a Republican one to boot.

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I think there's also a desire to make as much money as possible off the situation. Disaster capitalism.

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Just the number of people who can't go back to work because the kids aren't in school yet. How much will their situation contribute to the economy?

And the small businesses, or large business franchises, which will fail because they are getting 5% or 40% less business than three months ago? How much will they contribute?

And folks saving money? I seem to recall in 2009 Republicans complaining because even people with some money, like middle class who hadn't lost their jobs, were saving money rather than spending it on optional purchases?

Opening up like this, rather than selected businesses in order, while protecting the incomes of middle and lower class workers, will lead to a dramatic rise in the death rate even while the economy limps along at best.

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I've just made the assumption that I'll be sheltering in place until there's a different president in the Oval Office.

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I believe in texas there's a special government program where they hand out free bootstraps

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she let robert durst get away with murder

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I was having this discussion with a co-worker this morking and I was livid. So when our non-mask wearing real 'murkin patriots infect the hair salon, bowling alley and gym and no one is there to provide the services to them, these assholes will be caterwauling about how unfair is that things are shut down again. They don't have a right to walk into the store where my girls work and endanger them because they feel like being dicks.

And no, Dr. Birx, none of them will give two shits about killing their grandmother or mine. They are selfish, ignorant assholes.

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Dan Crenshaw, the Mother Teresa of the beauty of suffering a miserable death due to COVID-19. Bless his heart.

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Some people like their rightwing propaganda slurred through several boxes of wine.

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Her reputation as a loser of a senate race whose husband when to prison?

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If we don't count them, they don't count!

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Still has one good eye. Should return to Afghanistan for another tour to sate his death lust.

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