I actually understand (I think) what he was saying. If you love God, then you'll love your neighbor as yourself, treat all men as brothers, do unto others as you want to be treated, all that stuff. If you don't, then you don't love God. The problem is, that isn't what most Christians do. They say they believe, yet do none of the things that show you believe. But many also take that to imply that non believers, or other God believers are incapable of decency, which is, of course, ridiculous. Especially since so many who call themselves believers never have and never will treat all men as brothers.

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"PATRICK: It's loving God. If if you cannot love your fellow man, if you don't love God -- and we have a country where we've been working really hard, particularly on the left, to kick God out."

Your wretched brand of MAGAbilly god needs to be kicked out of America. In fact, I'd like to give him a nice swift kick in the behind and help him depart.

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The old shopworn "Christian nation" canard. David Barton, revisionist historian of the Religious Right invented it. Thankfully, writers like Chris Rodda take great delight in debunking these lies in her books, "Liars for Jesus," volumes 1, 2 and 3.

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No it's not, you're repeating Islamophobic talking points, and the only way you can back that up is by quoting from wingnut publications. Serious religious scholars refuse the "Muslims are particularly evil" line.

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Let's not forget Franklin Schaeffer. He's pretty educational.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... (Y'all read that in Apple Jack's voice, didn't you?)

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Don't kid yourself, Loot-Guv. If Thanos came back from the dead to snap his fingers and dust all the non-Xtians? Within 24 hours, the Baptists would be attacking the Episcopalians, the UCC would be at the Mormons' throats, the Catholics (the Fightin' Irish!) would be steamrolling the Mennonites, the Methodists and the Evangelicals would be locked in an ecumenical cage match (refereed by Jim Baaker with Benny Hinn as cornerman,) and the Lutherans and Quakers would be trading poisoned covered-dish recipes. And of course everyone would still hate on the Jews.

What Divine Dan really means when he says more people need to come to Jesus is that they should come to his version of Jesus, bow before his church's altar, and follow the dictates of his hand-picked high priests. Otherwise he might just have to pass a few laws to ensure that the heathens are properly dealt with. And by "heathens" he means everyone outside his own little denomination. Up yer taint, Patrick. Believe it or not, I can be a decent human being without bowing to your own particular invisible sky-daddy.

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Good title. Reminds me of Dr. Ian Plimer's 1995 book defending geology and biology against "creation science". He called it "Telling Lies for God." And oh how they do.

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Rich white Christian men who resolutely ignore the alleged words of Jesus to the effect that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. I've heard that actually "The Needle's Eye" referred to the smallest, narrowest gate into Jerusalem in Jesus' time, so that while it was very very difficult for a camel to squeeze through there, it wasn't quite impossible -- but still being mainly concerned with material wealth got substantially in the way of compassion and generosity. And observed facts indicate that it still does.

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That’s why they invented prosperity gospel and turned that whole concept on its head. Now, instead of saying rich men can’t enter the kingdom of heaven, being rich now means Jesus loves you more than others.

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Save the sermon for Sunday, Dan.

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What an excellent rebuttal, may it go viral.

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Believers in gahd are part of the reason we're in this mess.

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It's okay we say fucking moron here, frequently. I admire your restraint, though.

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He offered up the elderly as a human sacrifice to save the US economy. The thing is, he's still around. I guess he meant all the OTHER geezers should die for capitalism.

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Those sweet little faces, what an awful loss.

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