If you don't allow yourself to say anything that lovers of polarization are going to freak out about, you're taking a vow of eternal silence. They will <em>always</em> find something to complain about, it's what they do.

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You know what, this is just making me <em>really</em> peevish.

A bunch of cultists take concerted action to try to enshrine into law that they're allowed to ignore a lot of really important stuff in their own religion so they can focus on the couple of passing mentions that ghey is eebil and use those to bully kids on the basis of their sexual orientation, and saying this is bullshit is the outrage? Fuck that with a rusty chainsaw. If you can't take people calling your vicious hypocrisy out, don't be hypocritically vicious.

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Well, that's different. <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=V3FnpaWQJO0" target="_blank">Never mind</a>.


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They can dish it out, but the First Amendment clearly states that on no account must they ever be made to take it.

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Did you actually listen to his remarks, or read the transcript?

If you can't distinguish between pointing out glaring hypocrisy, and intolerance, you're not qualified to make pronouncements on intolerance.

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He also didn't apologize for calling bullshit. He apologized for calling the walkout pansy-assed, and then reiterated how the Biblical excuse for gaybashing is bullshit.

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fuck yeah i'm bigoted against christians.

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He was invited to talk about bullying, to aspiring journalists. Given what's been in the news recently about bullying, this is simply impossible to do without covering what the Christianist assholes are trying to do to anti-bullying efforts. Apparently, though, while saying that being gay is wrong is perfectly fine if you do it because you're a Christianist asshole, saying that bullying people who don't believe the same fairytales as you is wrong is not in the least bit fine.

Savage is completely right. It's totally, utterly, undeniably bullshit. Hypocritical, bullying, pansy-ass bullshit.

I'd also like to point out, when you look at the video, the first person caught on camera walking out did so <em>before</em> he even said the word "bullshit".

Finally, as <a href="http:\/\/www.towleroad.com\/2012\/04\/dan_savage_journalism_conference.html" target="_blank">Towleroad points out</a>, the conference was called <em>Journalism on the Edge</em>. Perhaps some <em>edginess</em> should have been anticipated?

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Such as?

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Welcome to my world, every year when the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition hits the stands.

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Well, there was also the issue of rights being denied to blacks at some time or other in our nation's history, and gays of all races were all WHAT THE FUCK is up with that.

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Point taken.

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When will Obama apologize for these outrageous remarks?

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Life was so much easier back when gayz were closeted and blacks stayed on their side of town.

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Oh Dan, Dan, Dan......please don't try to walk your comments back now. They were awesome. You think Christians will love you more if you apologize for calling bullshit on their crazy ass beliefs?

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