Any kind of "joke" that brings up rape is never funny. Hate women/feminists all you want, but rape should never be included in any kind of joke.

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Exactly how much of a tea-bagging loony tune do you have to be to think inequality is a viable campaign issue?

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What is that guy who made the Boobs On The Ground joke?

No, I am asking, what is he? Some kind of overgrown fecal coli-form bacteria? Does anyone know?

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"Survival Seeds"

*buzz buzz*

"Oh. What are Survival Seeds?"

"Judges would have also accepted 'What is Goldline'."

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Who are Rush Limpballs and Sean Insanity?

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That, they've got down pat.

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They also can't understand real humor. At least my brother can't. What he thinks is funny I find offensive, and what I think is funny makes him either stare blankly or deliver some personal low-blow "funny" remark in return.

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Here's why rightwinger comedy sucks: Because the content doesn't matter in any way -- their fans will fucking love it. As long as it scores hits on their political 'enemies,' they will use it.

There's no such thing as 'cognitive dissonance' or even 'hypocrisy' in a rightwinger. They will wield anything as a weapon, even things that are contrary to their stated beliefs. Because those beliefs are no more than simple clubs to be wielded. So called comedy where the humor is as stone dead as Breitbart doesn't even move the needle for these folks.

For example, wingers will stress how the Constitution is the supreme law of the land -- while declaring the United States as a Christian Nation which needs even more Christianity in its government -- and then rail against the idea of Sharia Law. Religious freedom is at best a theory for Muslims, but an inviolable unquestionable necessity for Christian Corporations.

Government needs to be small and stay out of people's way -- except for women who might actually have a fertilized egg floating around their insides. Then we need big massive intrusive Government to step in and regulate clinics and violate womens' freedoms. More regulation is always bad...unless it is good.

They'll rail about public debt and how there is no money -- but never acknowledge how tax cuts are a huge part of the debt problem and never admitting that a sensible policy would be to raise taxes to prior sustainable levels -- all the while advocating budget crushing wars and worthless expensive policies like drug testing for all welfare recipients.

It doesn't matter what they say -- as long as it can be used to bash the opposition -- it can be the most indefensible shittiest shit that ever was shat out of an arsehole. They'll rally around it.

RUSH LIMBAUGH. I rest my case

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I know - I really liked him too. My parents saw him live in 2000 and they just stared blankly at him; apparently they didn't get a single one of his jokes, and were amazed that I thought he was funny. Now, of course, I think he's an asshole, but fortunately for him, he doesn't care what I think!

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And one could argue that Kane is not likable anyway.

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Dana Loesch.

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Now that was some quality yucks.

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On the other hand, if the water coming out of the gold faucets caught fire ...

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What is a swollen bulge of toxic pus that formerly surrounded a pilonidal cyst?

Oh, wait, aren't we still playing Jeopardy!?

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