To get the last of the coffee, you have to hold the mug rapper-fashion!

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Alexander Fleming?

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Uh... reports I've seen have said he had an AR-15 rifle <em>and</em> a shotgun. Witness reports (as in, members of the military, who you'd think might know) said it was rifle fire that was aimed at them.

She couldn't be... completely and utterly wrong... could she?

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Rand Paul tries to tell John Oliver that the reason he emigrated was to get away from National Healthcare.

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She symbolically places the muzzle of a gun to her mouth multiple times per day. Dr. Freud could not be reached for comment.

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What is your opinion of this case, Dr Freud?

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Never mind <a href="http:\/\/www.wjla.com\/articles\/2013\/09\/washington-navy-yard-shooting-injures-several-people-94074.html#ixzz2fAlw9zm5" target="_blank">witness details</a> like "Ward said security officers started directing people out of the building with guns drawn."

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=g_qZ5B-yioU" target="_blank">James</a>' therapist?

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Did his time at the Mirror start before that fat fuck whassisname floated off into the wide blue sea leaving his workers' pension fund drowning in shortfall?

ETA: Maxwell, that's the name. I'll never forget that Private Eye cover ("He was a great man" "Yes, about 20st I'd say"... or <a href="http:\/\/www.private-eye.co.uk\/covers.php\?showme=781" target="_blank">something close</a>)

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Welcome to Wonkette, where you don't have to ** the word cunt. Doesn't make the word itself any less ugly, but hey, the choice is yours...

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Because he was dead, or because he was masturbating furiously?

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fapfapfapfap "Mother!"

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Seems to be conflicting reporting, but on the "she's completely and utterly wrong" side, we have...

<a href="http:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/nation\/2013\/09\/16\/navy-yard-shooting\/2819543\/" target="_blank">USAToday</a>:

<blockquote>A federal law enforcement official told USA TODAY that Alexis was armed with an AR-15, which is a light-weight semi-automatic rifle, as well as a shotgun and a handgun.</blockquote>

<a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/09\/17\/us\/shooting-reported-at-washington-navy-yard.html\?_r=0" target="_blank">NYTimes</a>:

<blockquote>Three weapons were found on Mr. Alexis: an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol, a senior law enforcement officer said.</blockquote>

Other reporting has said they recovered the shotgun and two handguns.

And then there's <a href="http:\/\/www.fbi.gov\/washingtondc\/press-releases\/2013\/remarks-as-prepared-for-delivery-by-assistant-director-in-charge-valerie-parlave-on-the-washington-navy-yard-shootings" target="_blank">the FBI</a>:

<blockquote>At this time, we believe that Mr. Alexis entered Building 197 at the Navy Yard with a shotgun. We do not have any information at this time that he had an AR-15 in his possession. We also believe Mr. Alexis may have gained access to a handgun once inside the facility and after he began shooting.</blockquote>

I can find no credible source that the shotgun was an MKA-1919.

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Brass tacks libel!

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I always want to think that Dana is a man, and all this blustering is just compensation for an absurdly small penis.

Penis envy, maybe?

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The Bigoted Ignorance of Uneducated Zealots was one of the best punk bands of all time.

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