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Just when you think these crazies drop off the radar, they find a way to roar back up again...

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I really wish I hadn't read the link about the rental house. That is far from normal! YIKES!!! Can you imagine?

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Old man shakes fist at Capitol.

The fact that Rohrabacher lives in Maine now tells you everything you need to know. Old men with money retire to Maine to live near the water and drink gin at sunset. Fade away, dude.

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Who retires and moves from California to Maine? Maine is lovely, but don't most retirees stay put or sunbird to warmer climates?

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Thanks. You just answered my question.

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When your heart is made of stone and ice water flows through your veins, colder climates feel like home...

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Weather reminds him of mother Russia

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Someone needs to do an intimate biography of his activities.

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Rohrabacher was elected to 15 terms. Then Harley Rouda took the seat away from him as part of a Democratic makeover of Orange County. Rouda got beaten last year by a repub who told voters that COVID was over and everything should open. That was while people throughout the county were dying but, hey, some people prefer a sweet lie over bitter truth. Rouda will run to regain that seat next year.

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I’m just surprised that the crowd didn’t feature shitkickers in blackface and dressed like pimps from the Seventies.

Eh. They probably figured they’d get clubbed to death by their fellow “patriots.”

“This is an ex-patriot.”

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