First, roll in flour.

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Never mind the fire ... the moment she's spotted in Texas from an airplane, she's done for.

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She'll be chased across the fields by "<a href="http:\/\/www.marlindemocrat.com\/news\/article_f7d86ee8-d8a4-11e0-bfb2-001cc4c002e0.html" target="_blank">pork choppers</a>" -- and I can't see her getting far in those heels.

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Me too. But then I looked at Kortney (again!) and I am cured.

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She should buck off.

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She's in the public eye, like a sharp stick.

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I don't have a problem with her...from the neck down.

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i was 12 minutes to late.


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this is not a star.

this is a whole galaxy.

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Perhaps I know longer understand the meaning of the word "star"...aside for the celestail bodies (ok, Nancy might reach that kind of diameter), but the colloquial term referring to celebrity. I know I live in a pop culture vacuum, but I just don't think she (or most of the other people on that shit show) measures up to the definition. She can't be above, like, a U-lister in celebrity rankings.

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Born to shimmy.

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Guys can we go easy on Nancy Grace. I'm having a rare moment of pity here.

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I hope her partner is someone like Lou Ferrigno. She doesn't look like she's light on her feet. Light in the head maybe, feet no.

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Only 2 things from Georgia are steers and shrieking dome-headed harpies.

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