"Uttering certain talismanic words..."

Oh - like "You have the right to remain silent..."

Complete waste of time!

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I'm no lawyer, I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and even I know that. These clowns are just plain incompetent

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<i>Res Issa non loquitur.</i>

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Did the judge utter certain talismanic words, like "guilty"?

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Usually ends with drinking a fifth.

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I think we can we all agree Issa is just a born fuck up,now to find a way to burn his ass once and for all

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Why did butt whistle Issa quit his day job to become a congresscritter any ways?

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Will Darrell Issa ever Get Smart?

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"Issa" sounds like something Jar Jar Binks would utter annoyingly and repetitively. Jar Jar would be more likable and more competent at Oversight Chairman too.

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<i>"...she risked contempt by not answering his questions"</i>

Lerner asserts her Constitutional right not to testify and can be charged with "not testifying". That kinda takes the shine off the Fifth Amendment.

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Yes, sometimes you do need to utter those "talismanic words" for the sake of being legal- like when you read someone their Miranda rights...

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QUIT PICKING ON THE CAT! Sorry, knee jerk reaction from having too many kids coming over to our house.

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After just having my performance review I would like to see Mr. Issa subjected to one himself.

"Does not meet expectations" should be his middle name.

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<i>World’s Worst Arsonist-and-Car-Robber-(and Crybaby!)-Turned-Congressman.</i>

Nothing's more reassuring than a right wing politician who claims he's not a crook.

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from what I understand, part of the reason Issa stormed out was because not only did he know in advance that she would plead the fifth- making it illegal for him to call her, knowing that she would do so, but that a deal had already been reached with her lawyer to provide the information that the committee supposedly wants in a manner that wouldn't expose her to legal liability. Essentially, he ran away because he did not want that information introduced.

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