Reminiscent of lawmakers (usually Republicans) that are all law-and-order about any kind of drug use until their precious offspring get caught red-handed.

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The perirectal abscess better known as Issa was just lanced by a judge who has seen that no amount of medication will ever bring it to a head so it can drain itself of the pus that fills it

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However, mysteriously Judge Berman's car alarm failed...

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He's a <strike>raving</strike> <u>paid</u> anti-vaccine <strike>nutter</strike> <u>mercenary</u>!


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Empty chair debate, a Clint Eastwood speciality...

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Darrell is in the same general level of rich as the Kochs.

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Oh [No] SNAP! [dollars for you]

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Another one of those activist judges!

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Couldn't Issa offer to self-fund with arson and car theft proceeds?

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Issa still think he's an asshole.

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...I remember back when I was 19 and worked at Best Buy and whenever the store was closing for the night you would get some A$$hole that shows up 30 minutes after the doors are locked begging(and eventually getting pissed off) to get in and buy USB cable. Sorry Mr. Issa, closed means <strong>CLOSED</strong>!!!

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"things HE deems important" I like this idea. You know how on your taxes, there's that box for if you want to contribute to the Presidential Campaign Fund? We should have a whole bunch of boxes to choose what to spend our taxes on. Roads and bridges? Bombing brown people? Food for hungry people? Subsidies for Exxon? You decide, it's democracy, bitches.

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Government shutdowns are like a box of chocolates. You never know .... WAIT! That's wrong. If you're Darrell Issa and you run the Government Reform Committee, it's your JOB to know what you're going to get.

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