There's this serial I read; one installment had a title that seems apropos to this situation:

Fools and Villains Love High Places

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Arson Parkour is my new skrog-prog metal hair band nickname for Darrell Issa.

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What Issa was doing up there:



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yep, that's him!

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Arnie is working against gerrymandering now!

What kind of world do we live in when Arnold Schwarzenegger is "one of the last good ones?"

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Guess Issa Scum don't read so gud, "constituent services" means servicing ALL your constituents, not just the ones who voted for you. But then, Repthuglicans don't really understand democracy, at least they haven't mostly in the last 30 years.

And I guess a protester can't also be a constituent, must be radio checkboxes in his head.

Datum: when I've called my Rep, or Senator, the Dems *always* want name and address. The GOP... literally don't care, and haven't asked or written it down.

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Thanks $5F,Can Issa go back to selling stolen car stereos? Is that still a thing?

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Sadly, this is what he saw when he looked down from that rooftop. And he will be able to convince a fair number of voters that this is the reality, and the pictures of several dozen normal people with handmade signs is a figment of the fevered imagination of Satan's press.

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Interesting that he's pushing winning to a crowd that loves Hitler (loser) and the CSA (losers). And now they got him in the White House on a technicality (even though he lost the popular vote), and he's turning out to be just another loser. I don't think winning is on their agenda. I think loserdom is in their DNA, and that's the real reason they are so gleeful right now.

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Jeff Lord is all of them, Katie.

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Altogether now:ChatsgrojrenigolKetsphroseniculDistrochrenikalCall me cynicalI'm not argumenticalIt's all conspiracy tentacles!!

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Go burn a car, asshole.

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Issa isa assahola.

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Jump! Jump!

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I painted the "Issa: Google 'Compassion'" sign on a flat screen TV box. I use a projector to make/trace the lettering. Here's one of my better efforts: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Hey, you guys have a friend in common!

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